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Display data types for all captured signals

Since R2024a



displayDataTypes(hub) displays the data type configured for each data capture signal for the first data capture IP. The default data type depends on the bit width of the captured signal in the specified data capture object. This size is the width you specified for the port on the generated IP. If the signal is 8, 16, or 32 bits, the default data type is uint. If the signal has one bit, the default data type is boolean. If the signal is a different width, the default data type is numerictype(0,bitWidth,0).

To modify the data type of a signal, use the setDataType object function. The function supports these data types, depending on the bit width of the captured signal: boolean, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, half, uint32, int32, single, uint64, int64, double, and numerictype.

displayDataTypes(DC,DataCaptureName=dataCaptureIPName) displays the data type configured for each data capture signal for a data capture IP specified by dataCaptureIPName.


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This example uses a customized data capture hub object, hub, that connects with two data capture IPs. The first data capture IP is datacapture1 and the second data capture IP is datacapture2. Each IP defines two signals for both trigger and data capture. Signal A is 1 bit and signal B is 8 bits.

Specify data types for the A and B signals as boolean and uint8, respectively. Set this condition for the datacapture1 IP.


Specify data types for the A and B signals as boolean and uint8, respectively. Set this condition for the datacapture2 IP.


Display data types for the A and B signals for the datacapture1 IP.

Signal Name : Data Type
Capture_Window : uint32
Trigger_Position : boolean
A : boolean 
B : uint8

Display data types for the A and B signals for the datacapture2 IP.

Signal Name : Data Type
Capture_Window : uint32
Trigger_Position : boolean
A : boolean 
B : uint8

Input Arguments

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Data capture hub object that interacts with each data capture IP, specified as a dataCaptureHub object.

Name of the data capture IP, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The default value for this argument is "generatedIPName1", where generatedIPName1 is the name of the first data capture IP set by the Generated IP name parameter of the FPGA Data Capture Component Generator tool.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a