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Gather details about related series of DICOM files


collection = dicomCollection(directory) gathers details about the DICOM files contained in directory and returns the file details in the table collection. The dicomCollection function aggregates details by DICOM series, using the value of the SeriesInstanceUID metadata field in each file to determine series membership. A DICOM series is a logically related set of images from an imaging operation.


collection = dicomCollection(directory,"IncludeSubfolders",tf) recursively searches for DICOM files below directory when tf is true (the default). When tf is false, dicomCollection searches only within directory.

collection = dicomCollection(DICOMDIR) gathers details about the DICOM files referenced in the DICOM directory file DICOMDIR. A DICOM directory file (DICOMDIR) is a special DICOM file that serves as a directory to a collection of DICOM files stored on removable media, such as CD- or DVD-ROMs.



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Gather information about the DICOM files in the Image Processing Toolbox™ sample image folder.

details = dicomCollection(fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox/images/imdata"))
details=6×14 table
               StudyDateTime               SeriesDateTime           PatientName      PatientSex     Modality     Rows    Columns    Channels    Frames    StudyDescription    SeriesDescription                             StudyInstanceUID                                                     SeriesInstanceUID                                                      Filenames                         
          ________________________    ________________________    _______________    __________    __________    ____    _______    ________    ______    ________________    _________________    __________________________________________________________________    __________________________________________________________________    ___________________________________________________________

    s1    {0×0 double            }    {0×0 double            }    ""                    ""         "RTSTRUCT"      0         0         0           1      ""                  ""                   "1.2.826.0.1.3680043."       "1.2.826.0.1.3680043."       {["B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\rtstruct.dcm"         ]}
    s2    {[30-Apr-1993 11:27:24]}    {[30-Apr-1993 11:27:24]}    "Anonymized"          ""         "CT"          512       512         1           1      "RT ANKLE"          ""                   "1.2.840.113619."                    "1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.736169244"                    {["B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm"]}
    s3    {[14-Dec-2013 15:47:31]}    {[14-Dec-2013 15:54:33]}    "GORBERG MITZI"       "F"        "MR"          512       512         1          22      "CSP"               "AX T2"              "1.2.840.113619.2.244.3596.11880862.13689.1386517653.214"             "1.2.840.113619.2.244.3596.11880862.13689.1386517653.217"             {22×1 string                                              }
    s4    {[03-Oct-2011 19:18:11]}    {[03-Oct-2011 18:59:02]}    ""                    "M"        "MR"          512       512         1           1      "RIGHT KNEE"        ""                   ""    ""    {["B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\knee1.dcm"            ]}
    s5    {[03-Oct-2011 19:18:11]}    {[03-Oct-2011 19:05:04]}    ""                    "M"        "MR"          512       512         1           1      "RIGHT KNEE"        ""                   ""    ""    {["B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\knee2.dcm"            ]}
    s6    {[30-Jan-1994 11:25:01]}    {0×0 double            }    "Anonymized"          ""         "US"          430       600         1          10      "Echocardiogram"    "PS LAX MR & AI"     "999.999.3859744"                                                     "999.999.94827453"                                                    {["B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\US-PAL-8-10x-echo.dcm"]}

Gather information about DICOM files in a folder from a DICOMDIR file.

details = dicomCollection(fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox/images/imdata/DICOMDIR"))
details=4×14 table
             StudyDateTime        SeriesDateTime    PatientName     PatientSex    Modality    Rows    Columns    Channels    Frames    StudyDescription    SeriesDescription    StudyInstanceUID                            SeriesInstanceUID                                                    Filenames                       
          ____________________    ______________    ____________    __________    ________    ____    _______    ________    ______    ________________    _________________    ________________    __________________________________________________________________    _______________________________________________________

    s1    30-Apr-1993 11:27:24      {0×0 char}      "Anonymized"        ""          "CT"      512       512         1           1      "RT ANKLE"                 ""                   ""           "1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.736169244"                    "B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm"
    s2    30-Jan-1994 11:25:01      {0×0 char}      "Anonymized"        ""          "US"      430       600         1          10      "Echocardiogram"           ""                   ""           "999.999.94827453"                                                    "B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\US-PAL-8-10x-echo.dcm"
    s3    03-Oct-2011 19:18:11      {0×0 char}      ""                  ""          "MR"      512       512         1           1      "RIGHT KNEE"               ""                   ""           ""    "B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\knee1.dcm"            
    s4    03-Oct-2011 19:18:11      {0×0 char}      ""                  ""          "MR"      512       512         1           1      "RIGHT KNEE"               ""                   ""           ""    "B:\matlab\toolbox\images\imdata\knee2.dcm"            

Input Arguments

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Name of a folder containing DICOM files, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Example: details = dicomCollection(fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox/images/imdata"))

Data Types: char | string

DICOM directory file, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

A DICOM directory file (DICOMDIR) is a special DICOM file that serves as a directory to a collection of DICOM files stored on removable media, such as CD- or DVD-ROMs. When devices write DICOM files to removable media, they typically write a DICOMDIR file on the disk to serve as a list of the disk contents.

You can specify DICOMDIR using its absolute path, relative path, or location on the MATLAB® path.

Example: details = dicomCollection(fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox/images/imdata/DICOMDIR"))

Data Types: char | string

Include subfolders in search, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When set to true, the dicomCollection function recursively searches for DICOM files below directory. When set to false, the dicomCollection function only includes files within directory in the search.

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Metadata from DICOM files, returned as a table. The dicomCollection function aggregates the information by DICOM series.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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