Create Choropleth Map of Population Density
Create a choropleth map of population density for several US states in the year 2000. A choropleth map indicates the values of numeric attributes within spatial regions by using colors along a gradient.
This page shows how to create similar maps using map axes (since R2023a) and axesm
-based maps. For a comparison of map axes and axesm
-based maps, including when to use each type of display, see Choose a 2-D Map Display.
Prepare Data
Prepare the data to use in the examples.
Import a shapefile containing population density data for each US state. The shapefile represents the states using polygon shapes in geographic coordinates.
states = readgeotable("usastatelo.shp");
Create a subtable that includes New York and the states in New England.
names = ["New York" "Maine" "New Hampshire" "Vermont" "Massachusetts" ... "Connecticut" "Rhode Island"]; rows = ismember(states.Name,names); NEstates = states(rows,:);
Create Map Using Map Axes
Create a choropleth map using a map axes object.
Set up a map using a projected coordinate reference system (CRS) that is appropriate for the conterminous United States. Create the CRS using the EPSG code 26918
, which uses a Transverse Mercator projection.
figure proj = projcrs(26918); newmap(proj)
Display the state polygons on the map. Specify the colors using the population data in the table.
Create a colormap with colors that transition from yellow to red. Apply the colormap to the map axes. Then, add a color bar and a title.
cmap = flipud(autumn(height(NEstates)));
title("Population Density in 2000")
Adjust the geographic limits.
geolimits([40 48],[-76 -68])
Create Map Using axesm
-Based Map
Create a map using a projection that is appropriate for the conterminous United States. Use an Albers Equal Area Conic projection, and specify latitude and longitude limits for a region in the northeast United States.
figure axesm("MapProjection","eqaconic","MapParallels",[], ... "MapLatLimit",[41 48],"MapLonLimit",[-74 -66])
Assign colors to the polygons based on the population density by creating a symbol specification. Specify the colors using a colormap that transitions from yellow to red.
maxdensity = max([NEstates.PopDens2000]); cmap = flipud(autumn(height(NEstates))); polyColors = makesymbolspec("Polygon", ... {"PopDens2000",[0 maxdensity],"FaceColor",cmap});
Display the state polygons on the map. Specify the colors using the symbol specification.
Apply the colormap to the axes. Then, add a color bar and a title.
clim([0 maxdensity])
title("Population Density in 2000")