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Generate standalone report from coverage results

Since R2024a


generateStandaloneReport(results) generates a standalone code coverage report as a single HTML file from the coverage results. The method saves the report using an autogenerated filename to a temporary folder.

A standalone code coverage report is not interactive and contains hard-coded information. To generate an interactive code coverage report, use the generateHTMLReport method instead.


generateStandaloneReport(results,filename) saves the standalone report using the specified filename.

generateStandaloneReport(___,MetricLevel=level) specifies the code coverage metrics to include in the standalone report.

filePath = generateStandaloneReport(___) returns the absolute path to the report file. Unlike the previous syntaxes, this syntax does not automatically open the generated report.


Input Arguments

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Results of the code coverage analysis, specified as a matlab.coverage.Result vector.

Name of the standalone report file, specified as a string scalar or character vector ending in .html. The value can be a path relative to the current folder or an absolute path.

Example: "myCoverageReport.html"

Example: "C:\work\myCoverageReport.html"

Level of coverage metrics to include in the standalone report, specified as one of the values in this table.

Value of levelTypes of Coverage Included
"statement"Statement and function coverage


Statement, function, and decision coverage


Statement, function, decision, and condition coverage


Statement, function, decision, condition, and modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC)

By default, the method generates a report including the metrics in results. When you specify a reporting level using the level argument, the method includes the metrics up to and including the specified level. For more information about coverage types, see Types of Code Coverage for MATLAB Source Code.

Data Types: string | char


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Run a suite of tests and collect the code coverage results. Then, generate a standalone code coverage report as a single HTML file from the coverage results.

Open the example to access the required files and folders. When you open the example, the tests subfolder of your current folder contains tests defined in the BankAccountTest.m and DocPolynomTest.m files. The source subfolder contains the source code required by the tests.

BankAccountTest Class Definition

This code shows the contents of the BankAccountTest class definition file, which uses a shared fixture to access the folder defining the BankAccount class. For more information about the BankAccount class and to view the class code, see Developing Classes That Work Together.

classdef (SharedTestFixtures={ ...
        matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture( ...
        fullfile("..","source"))}) ...
        BankAccountTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase

    methods (Test)
        function testConstructor(testCase)
            b = BankAccount(1234,100);
            testCase.verifyEqual(b.AccountNumber,1234, ...
                "Constructor must correctly set account number.")
            testCase.verifyEqual(b.AccountBalance,100, ...
                "Constructor must correctly set account balance.")

        function testConstructorNotEnoughInputs(testCase)
            import matlab.unittest.constraints.Throws

        function testDeposit(testCase)
            b = BankAccount(1234,100);

        function testWithdraw(testCase)
            b = BankAccount(1234,100);

        function testNotifyInsufficientFunds(testCase)
            callbackExecuted = false;
            function testCallback(~,~)
                callbackExecuted = true;

            b = BankAccount(1234,100);

            testCase.assertFalse(callbackExecuted, ...
                "The callback should not have executed yet.")
            testCase.verifyTrue(callbackExecuted, ...
                "The listener callback should have fired.")

DocPolynomTest Class Definition

This code shows the contents of the DocPolynomTest class definition file, which uses a shared fixture to access the folder defining the DocPolynom class. For more information about the DocPolynom class and to view the class code, see Representing Polynomials with Classes.

classdef (SharedTestFixtures={ ...
        matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture( ...
        fullfile("..","source"))}) ...
        DocPolynomTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase

        TextToDisplay = "Equation under test: "

    methods (Test)
        function testConstructor(testCase)
            p = DocPolynom([1 0 1]);

        function testAddition(testCase)
            p1 = DocPolynom([1 0 1]);
            p2 = DocPolynom([5 2]);
            actual = p1 + p2;
            expected = DocPolynom([1 5 3]);
            diagnostic = [testCase.TextToDisplay ...
                "(x^2 + 1) + (5*x + 2) = x^2 + 5*x + 3"];

        function testMultiplication(testCase)
            p1 = DocPolynom([1 0 3]);
            p2 = DocPolynom([5 2]);
            actual = p1 * p2;
            expected = DocPolynom([5 2 15 6]);
            diagnostic = [testCase.TextToDisplay ...
                "(x^2 + 3) * (5*x + 2) = 5*x^3 + 2*x^2 + 15*x + 6"];

Collect Code Coverage Results

Import the classes used in this example.

import matlab.unittest.plugins.CodeCoveragePlugin
import matlab.unittest.plugins.codecoverage.CoverageResult

Create a test suite from the tests folder.

suite = testsuite("tests");

Create a test runner and customize it using a plugin that provides programmatic access to statement, function, and decision coverage metrics for the code in the source folder.

runner = testrunner("textoutput");
format = CoverageResult;
plugin = CodeCoveragePlugin.forFolder("source", ...

Run the tests. In this example, all the tests pass.;
Setting up PathFixture
Done setting up PathFixture: Added 'C:\work\source' to the path.

Running BankAccountTest
Done BankAccountTest

Running DocPolynomTest
Done DocPolynomTest

Tearing down PathFixture
Done tearing down PathFixture: Restored the path to its original state.

Because the source folder contains three files, the Result property of format holds the coverage results as a 3-by-1 vector.

results = format.Result
results = 

  3×1 Result array with properties:


Coverage summary (use generateHTMLReport to generate an HTML report):
   Function: 9/17 (52.94%)
   Statement: 32/102 (31.37%)
   Decision: 11/46 (23.91%)

Use coverageSummary to retrieve information from the coverage results.

Generate Standalone Code Coverage Report

Generate a standalone code coverage report as a single HTML file from the coverage results. The method saves the report using an autogenerated filename to a temporary folder. The report includes tables with detailed information about each source file.

Generating standalone report. Please wait.
    Preparing content for the standalone report.
    Adding content to the standalone report.
    Writing standalone report to file.

Generate a summarized standalone report by including only the statement and function coverage metrics. Save the report as report.html to your current folder.

filePath = generateStandaloneReport(results, ...
Generating standalone report. Please wait.
    Preparing content for the standalone report.
    Adding content to the standalone report.
    Writing standalone report to file.
Standalone code coverage report has been saved to:

Open report.html.


Version History

Introduced in R2024a