Record Animation for Playback
These examples show how to record animations as movies that you can replay.
Record and Play Back Movie
Create a series of plots within a loop and capture each plot as a frame. Ensure
the axis limits stay constant by setting them each time through the loop. Store the
frames in M
for k = 1:16 plot(fft(eye(k+16))) axis([-1 1 -1 1]) M(k) = getframe; end
Play back the movie five times using the movie
figure movie(M,5)
Capture Entire Figure for Movie
Create a colored panel in the figure, and place the axes in the panel before
creating the plot. Capture the entire figure window by specifying the current figure
) as an input argument to the
f = figure; p = uipanel(f,"Position",[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8],... "BackgroundColor","w"); ax = axes(p); for k = 1:16 plot(fft(eye(k+16))) axis([-1 1 -1 1]) u.Value = k; M(k) = getframe(gcf); end
Create a new figure and an axes to fill the figure window so that the movie looks like the original animation.
axes("Position",[0 0 1 1])
See Also
| movie
| fft
| eye
| plot
| axes
| axis