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First parameter example for tuning cost function

Since R2022a


tunerCostFcnParam(filter) creates a structure that has the fields required for tuning an insEKF filter with a custom cost function. The structure is useful when generating C code for a cost function using MATLAB® Coder™.



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Create an insEKF filter object. Then create a cost function using the createTunerCostTemplate object function.

filter = insEKF;
doc = matlab.desktop.editor.getActive;

Load prerecorded sensor data and ground truth data.


Create a MEX cost function using MATLAB Coder.

p = tunerCostFcnParam(filter);
disp("Generating MEX-accelerated cost function");
Generating MEX-accelerated cost function
codegen tunercost.m -args {p,sensorData,groundTruth};
Warning: C Compiler produced warnings. See the build log for further details.

Code generation successful (with warnings): To view the report, open('codegen/mex/tunercost/html/report.mldatx')

Specify an initial orientation state and its covariance.


Create a measurement noise structure using the tunernoise function.

mnoise = tunernoise(filter);

Create a tunerconfig object using the created MEX cost function.

cfg = tunerconfig(filter, MaxIterations=1, ...
    ObjectiveLimit=1e-4, ...
    Cost="custom", ...

Tune the filter. Show the tuned measurement noise and process noise in the filter.

tunedmn = tune(filter,mnoise,sensorData, ...
    Iteration    Parameter                    Metric
    _________    _________                    ______
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(1)      0.3413
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(15)     0.3381
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(29)     0.3353
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(43)     0.3334
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(57)     0.3214
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(71)     0.3121
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(85)     0.3110
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(99)     0.3107
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(113)    0.3106
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(127)    0.3105
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(141)    0.2972
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(155)    0.2872
    1            AdditiveProcessNoise(169)    0.2855
    1            AccelerometerNoise           0.2852
    1            GyroscopeNoise               0.2851
tunedmn = struct with fields:
    AccelerometerNoise: 0.9000
        GyroscopeNoise: 0.9000

orientationNoise = statecovparts(filter,"Orientation")
orientationNoise = 4×4

    0.0100         0         0         0
         0    0.0100         0         0
         0         0    0.0100         0
         0         0         0    0.0100

Input Arguments

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INS filter, specified as an insEKF object.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a