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Inertial Sensor Fusion

Inertial navigation with IMU and GPS, sensor fusion, custom filter tuning

Inertial sensor fusion uses filters to improve and combine readings from IMU, GPS, and other sensors. To model specific sensors, see Sensor Models.

For simultaneous localization and mapping, see SLAM.


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ahrsfilterOrientation from accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer readings
ahrs10filterHeight and orientation from MARG and altimeter readings
complementaryFilterEstimate orientation using complementary filter
ecompassOrientation from magnetometer and accelerometer readings
imufilterOrientation from accelerometer and gyroscope readings
insfilterMARGEstimate pose from MARG and GPS data
insfilterAsyncEstimate pose from asynchronous MARG and GPS data
insfilterErrorStateEstimate pose from IMU, GPS, and monocular visual odometry (MVO) data
insfilterNonholonomicEstimate pose with nonholonomic constraints
insfilterCreate inertial navigation filter
insEKFInertial Navigation Using Extended Kalman Filter (Since R2022a)
insOptionsOptions for configuration of insEKF object (Since R2022a)
insAccelerometerModel accelerometer readings for sensor fusion (Since R2022a)
insGPSModel GPS readings for sensor fusion (Since R2022a)
insGyroscopeModel gyroscope readings for sensor fusion (Since R2022a)
insMagnetometerModel magnetometer readings for sensor fusion (Since R2022a)
insMotionOrientationMotion model for 3-D orientation estimation (Since R2022a)
insMotionPoseModel for 3-D motion estimation (Since R2022a)
insCreateMotionModelTemplateCreate template file for motion model (Since R2022b)
insCreateSensorModelTemplateCreate template file for sensor model (Since R2022b)
positioning.INSMotionModelBase class for defining motion models used with insEKF (Since R2022a)
positioning.INSSensorModelBase class for defining sensor models used with insEKF (Since R2022a)
tunerconfigFusion filter tuner configuration options (Since R2020b)
tunernoiseNoise structure of fusion filter (Since R2020b)
tunerPlotPosePlot filter pose estimates during tuning (Since R2021a)


AHRSOrientation from accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer readings (Since R2020a)
Complementary FilterEstimate orientation using complementary filter (Since R2023a)
IMU FilterEstimate orientation using IMU Filter (Since R2023b)
ecompassCompute orientation from accelerometer and magnetometer readings (Since R2024a)


Sensor Fusion


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