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minimax 优化

此示例说明如何在 Optimization Toolbox™ 中使用 minimax 优化算法 fminimax 求解非线性滤波器设计问题。请注意,要运行此示例,您必须先安装 Signal Processing Toolbox™。



nbits  = 8;         % How many bits have we to realize filter 
maxbin = 2^nbits-1; % Maximum number expressable in nbits bits
n      = 4;         % Number of coefficients (order of filter plus 1)
Wn     = 0.2;       % Cutoff frequency for filter
Rp     = 1.5;       % Decibels of ripple in the passband
w      = 128;       % Number of frequency points to take


这是一种连续滤波器设计;我们使用 cheby1,但我们也可以在此处使用 ellipyulewalkremez

[b1,a1] = cheby1(n-1,Rp,Wn); 

[h,w] = freqz(b1,a1,w); % Frequency response
h = abs(h);             % Magnitude response
plot(w, h)
title('Frequency response using non-integer variables')

x = [b1,a1];            % The design variables



if (any(x < 0))
%   If there are negative coefficients - must save room to use a sign bit
%   and therefore reduce maxbin
    maxbin = floor(maxbin/2);
    vlb = -maxbin * ones(1, 2*n)-1;
    vub = maxbin * ones(1, 2*n); 
%   otherwise, all positive
    vlb = zeros(1,2*n); 
    vub = maxbin * ones(1, 2*n); 


将最大值设置为等于 maxbin,并适当缩放其他滤波器系数。

[m, mix] = max(abs(x)); 
factor =  maxbin/m; 
x =  factor * x;    % Rescale other filter coefficients
xorig = x;

xmask = 1:2*n;
% Remove the biggest value and the element that controls D.C. Gain
% from the list of values that can be changed. 
xmask(mix) = [];
nx = 2*n;


使用 optimoptions,将终止条件调整到合理的高值,以缩短运行时间。同时打开每次迭代的结果显示:

options = optimoptions('fminimax', ...
    'StepTolerance', 0.1, ...
    'OptimalityTolerance', 1e-4,...
    'ConstraintTolerance', 1e-6, ...
    'Display', 'iter');


我们需要最小化绝对最大值,因此我们将 options.MinAbsMax 设置为频率点的数量:

if length(w) == 1
   options = optimoptions(options,'AbsoluteMaxObjectiveCount',w);
   options = optimoptions(options,'AbsoluteMaxObjectiveCount',length(w));


离散化并去除第一个值,然后通过调用 FMINIMAX 执行优化:

[x, xmask] = elimone(x, xmask, h, w, n, maxbin)
x = 1×8

    0.5441    1.6323    1.6323    0.5441   57.1653 -127.0000  108.0000  -33.8267

xmask = 1×6

     1     2     3     4     5     8

niters = length(xmask); 
disp(sprintf('Performing %g stages of optimization.\n\n', niters));
Performing 6 stages of optimization.
for m = 1:niters
    fun = @(xfree)filtobj(xfree,x,xmask,n,h,maxbin); % objective
    confun = @(xfree)filtcon(xfree,x,xmask,n,h,maxbin); % nonlinear constraint
    disp(sprintf('Stage: %g \n', m));
    x(xmask) = fminimax(fun,x(xmask),[],[],[],[],vlb(xmask),vub(xmask),...
    [x, xmask] = elimone(x, xmask, h, w, n, maxbin);
Stage: 1 
                  Objective        Max     Line search     Directional 
 Iter F-count         value    constraint   steplength      derivative   Procedure 
    0      8              0    0.00329174                                            
    1     17      0.0001845      3.34e-07            1          0.0143     

Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

fminimax stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than
twice the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are 
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
Stage: 2 
                  Objective        Max     Line search     Directional 
 Iter F-count         value    constraint   steplength      derivative   Procedure 
    0      7              0     0.0414182                                            
    1     15        0.01649     0.0002558            1           0.261     
    2     23        0.01544     6.126e-07            1         -0.0282    Hessian modified  

Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

fminimax stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than
twice the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are 
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
Stage: 3 
                  Objective        Max     Line search     Directional 
 Iter F-count         value    constraint   steplength      derivative   Procedure 
    0      6              0     0.0716961                                            
    1     13        0.05943    -1.156e-11            1           0.776     

Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

fminimax stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than
twice the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are 
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
Stage: 4 
                  Objective        Max     Line search     Directional 
 Iter F-count         value    constraint   steplength      derivative   Procedure 
    0      5              0      0.129938                                            
    1     11        0.04278     2.937e-10            1           0.183     

Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

fminimax stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than
twice the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are 
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
Stage: 5 
                  Objective        Max     Line search     Directional 
 Iter F-count         value    constraint   steplength      derivative   Procedure 
    0      4              0     0.0901749                                            
    1      9        0.03867    -4.951e-11            1           0.256     

Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

fminimax stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than
twice the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are 
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
Stage: 6 
                  Objective        Max     Line search     Directional 
 Iter F-count         value    constraint   steplength      derivative   Procedure 
    0      3              0       0.11283                                            
    1      7        0.05033    -1.249e-16            1           0.197     

Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

fminimax stopped because the size of the current search direction is less than
twice the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are 
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.



xold = x;
xmask = 1:2*n;
xmask([n+1, mix]) = [];
x = x + 0.5; 
for i = xmask
    [x, xmask] = elimone(x, xmask, h, w, n, maxbin);
xmask = 1:2*n;
xmask([n+1, mix]) = [];
x = x - 0.5;
for i = xmask
    [x, xmask] = elimone(x, xmask, h, w, n, maxbin);
if any(abs(x) > maxbin)
  x = xold; 



bo = x(1:n); 
ao = x(n+1:2*n); 
h2 = abs(freqz(bo,ao,128));
title('Optimized filter versus original')

xround = round(xorig)
xround = 1×8

     1     2     2     1    57  -127   108   -34

b = xround(1:n); 
a = xround(n+1:2*n); 
h3 = abs(freqz(b,a,128));
title('Rounded filter versus original')

fig = gcf;
fig.NextPlot = 'replace';

