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Measurement-Level Simulations

Probabilistic detections, clutter, false alarms, target tracks, SNR, processing chain gains and losses, measurement error

Use radarDataGenerator to simulate the radar and target in dynamic scenarios, include surface clutter and multipath effects, determine probability of detection in the presence of noise and false alarms, and generate target tracks.


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mergeDetectionsMerge detections into clustered detections (Since R2021b)
radarDataGeneratorGenerate radar detections or track reports (Since R2021a)
radarEmissionEmitted radar signal structure (Since R2021a)
radarEmitterRadar signals and interferences generator (Since R2021a)
objectDetectionReport for single object detection (Since R2021a)
objectTrackSingle object track report (Since R2021a)
trackHistoryLogicConfirm and delete tracks based on recent track history (Since R2021a)


Radar Data GeneratorGenerate radar sensor detections and tracks (Since R2021b)
Detection ConcatenationCombine detection reports from different sensors


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