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Merge detections into clustered detections

Since R2021b


clusteredDetections = mergeDetections(detections,clusterIndex) merges detections sharing the same cluster labels. By default, the function merges detections in the same cluster using a Gaussian mixture merging algorithm. The function assumes that all detections in the same cluster share the same Time, SensorIndex, ObjectClassID, MeasurementParameters, and ObjectAttributes properties or fields.


clusteredDetections = mergeDetections(___,MergingFcn=mergeFcn) specifies the function used to merge the detections in addition to the input arguments from the previous syntax.


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Generate two clusters of detections with two false alarms.

rng(2021) % For repeatable results
x1 = [5; 5; 0] + randn(3,4); % Four detections in cluster one
x2 = [5; -5; 0] + randn(3,4); % Four detections in cluster two
xFalse = 30*randn(3,2); % Two false alarms
x = [x1 x2 xFalse];

Format these detections into a cell array of objectDetection objects.

detections = repmat({objectDetection(0,[0; 0; 0])},10,1);
for i = 1:10
    detections{i}.Measurement = x(:,i);

Define the cluster indices according to the previously defined scenario. You can typically obtain the cluster indices by applying a clustering algorithm on the detections.

clusterIndex = [1; 1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 2; 2; 3; 4];

Use the mergeDetections function to merge the detections.

clusteredDetections = mergeDetections(detections,clusterIndex);

Visualize the results in a theater plot.

% Create a theaterPlot object.
tp = theaterPlot;

% Create two detection plotters, one for unclustered detections and one for
% clustered detections.
detPlotterUn = detectionPlotter(tp,DisplayName="Unclustered Detections", ...
detPlotterC = detectionPlotter(tp,DisplayName="Clustered Detections", ...

% Concatenate measurements and covariances for unclustered detections
detArray = [detections{:}];
xUn = horzcat(detArray.Measurement)';
PUn = cat(3,detArray.MeasurementNoise);

% Concatenate measurements and covariance for clustered detections
clusteredDetArray = [clusteredDetections{:}];
xC = horzcat(clusteredDetArray.Measurement)';
PC = cat(3,clusteredDetArray.MeasurementNoise);

% Plot all unclustered and clustered detections

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 16 objects of type line, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Unclustered Detections, Clustered Detections.

Input Arguments

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Object detections, specified as an N-element array of objectDetection (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) objects, N-element cell array of objectDetection objects, or an N-element array of structures whose field names are the same as the property names of the objectDetection object. N is the number of detections. You can create detections directly, or you can obtain detections from the outputs of sensor objects such as fusionRadarSensor (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox), irSensor (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox), and sonarSensor (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox).

Cluster indices, specified as an N-element vector of positive integers, where N is the number of detections specified in the detections input. Each element is the cluster index of the corresponding detection in the detections input. For example, if clusterIndex(i)=k, then the ith detection from the detections input belongs to cluster k.

Function to merge detections, specified as a function handle. You must use one of these syntaxes to define the function:

  • Syntax with detection input and output:

      detectionOut = mergeFcn(detectionsIn) 


    • detectionsIn is specified as a cell array of objectDetection (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) objects (in the same cluster).

    • detectionOut is returned as an objectDetection object.

  • Syntax with state mean and covariance input and output:

       [mergedMean,mergedCovariance] = mergeFcn(means,covariances)


    • means is specified as an M-by-Q matrix, representing measurements in the cluster. M is the size of each measurement and Q is the number of measurements in the cluster.

    • covariances is specified an M-by-M-by-Q matrix, representing the uncertainty covariance matrices corresponding to means. M is the size of each measurement and Q is the number of measurements in the cluster.

    • mergedMean is returned a P-by-1 vector, representing the merged measurement. Note that the size of the merged measurement (P) can be different from the size of the input measurement (M). This enables you to merge detections into parameterized forms, such as rectangular or cuboid detections.

    • mergedCovariance is returned as a P-by-P matrix, representing the uncertainty covariance in the merged measurement. P is the size of the merged mean.


You can use built-in functions, such as fusecovint (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox), fusecovunion (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox), and fusexcov (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox), as the merging function.

Example: @mergeFcn

Output Arguments

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Clustered detections, returned as an M-element cell array of objectDetection (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) objects, where M is the number of unique cluster indices specified in the clusterIndex input.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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See Also

| (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox)