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Store data from intermodulation table


Use the mixerspur class to store mixer spur power specifications for a circuit object.


mixerIMT is recommend over rfckt.mixer because it enables you to:

  • Create a two-port mixer element.

  • Perform frequency translation defined in an intermodulation table (IMT) for a single-tone carrier mixed with a local oscillator (LO) signal.

  • Build a circuit object with a mixer and a modulator element.

  • Model a mixer in an RF chain created using an rfbudget object or the RF Budget Analyzer app.

  • Export the mixer element to RF Blockset™ or to rfsystem System object™ for circuit envelope or idealized baseband analysis.

(since R2023b)



h = rfdata.mixerspur returns a data object that defines an intermodulation table, h, whose properties all have their default values.


h = rfdata.mixerspur('Data',value1,'PLORef',value2,'PinRef','value3) sets properties using one or more name-value pairs. You can specify multiple name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in a quote


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Mixer spur power values, specified as a matrix in decibels. The values are such that the mixer spur power is less than the power at the fundamental output frequency. Values must be between 0 and 99. By default, this property is empty.

Data Types: double

Reference input power, specified as a scalar in decibels relative to 1 milliwatt. The default value is 0.

Data Types: double

Reference local oscillator power, specified as a scalar in decibels relative to 1 milliwatt. The default value is 0.

Data Types: double

Object name, specified as a 1-by-N character array or string. This property is a read-only.

Data Types: char


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Create an object to store mixer spur power specifications using rfdata.mixerspur.

spurs = rfdata.mixerspur('Data',[2 5 3; 1 0 99; 10 99 99],...
spurs = 
   rfdata.mixerspur with properties:

    PLORef: 5
    PinRef: 3
      Data: [3x3 double]
      Name: 'Intermodulation table'

Version History

Introduced in R2009a