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Extract vector of network parameters


n_ij = rfparam(hnet,i,j) extracts the network parameter vector (i,j) from the network parameter object, hnet.


abcd_vector = rfparam(habcd,abcdflag) extracts the A, B, C, or D vector from ABCD-parameter object, habcd.


collapse all

Read in the file default.s2p into an sparameters object and get the S21 value.

S = sparameters('default.s2p');
s21 = rfparam(S,2,1)
s21 = 191×1 complex

  -0.6857 + 1.7827i
  -0.6560 + 1.7980i
  -0.6262 + 1.8131i
  -0.5963 + 1.8278i
  -0.5664 + 1.8422i
  -0.5363 + 1.8563i
  -0.5062 + 1.8700i
  -0.4760 + 1.8835i
  -0.4457 + 1.8966i
  -0.4152 + 1.9094i

Input Arguments

collapse all

Flag that determines which ABCD parameters the function extracts, specified as 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.

2-port ABCD parameters, specified as an RF Toolbox™ ABCD parameter object. When you specify abcdflag, you must also specify an ABCD parameter object.

Network parameters, specified as an RF Toolbox network parameter object.

Row index of data to extract, specified as a positive integer.

Column index of data to extract, specified as a positive integer.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Network parameters (i, j), returned as a vector. The i and j input arguments determine which parameters the function returns.

Example: S_21 = rfparam(hs,2,1)

A, B, C, or D- parameters, returned as a vector. The abcdflag input argument determines which parameters the function returns. The function supports only 2-port ABCD parameters; thus, the output is always a vector.

Example: a_vector = rfparam(habcd,'A');

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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