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Command robot to move to desired joint configuration

Since R2022a


ROS or ROS2 Interface


sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointConfig) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through ROS or ROS2 interface, based on the specified joint configuration.


sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointConfig,EndTime=endtime) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through ROS or ROS2 interface, based on the specified joint configuration and a maximum duration. The method commands the robot to complete the motion from current joint configuration to the desired joint configuration within the duration.

RTDE Interface


sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointConfig) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through RTDE interface, based on the specified joint configuration.


sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointConfig,Name=Value) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through RTDE interface, based on the specified joint configuration, and sets the maximum duration, velocity, acceleration, and blend radius properties using one or more optional name-value arguments.


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Connect to a physical or simulated cobot, using either urROSNode or urROS2Node object (based on the option for connectivity – ROS or ROS 2, which you selected in the Hardware Setup screen).

  • Connect to a physical or simulated cobot at IP address on the ROS network.

    ur = urROSNode('');
  • Connect to a physical or simulated cobot on the ROS 2 network.

    ur = urROS2Node;

Command the cobot to by providing the desired joint configuration and 5-seconds duration as inputs.

jointWaypoints = [20 -90 -70 -20 70 0]*pi/180;

Connect to a physical or simulated cobot, using urRTDEClient object.

ur = urRTDEClient('');

Command the cobot to by providing the desired joint configuration as input.

jointWaypoints = [20 -90 -70 -20 70 0]*pi/180;

Command the cobot to by providing the desired joint configuration and by specifying the optional parameters - duration, velocity, acceleration, and blend radius.

jointWaypoints = [20 -90 -70 -20 70 0]*pi/180;

Input Arguments

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Connection to physical or simulated cobot from Universal Robots, specified as a urROSNode object, urROS2Node object, or urRTDEClient object.

Desired joint configuration of the physical or simulated cobot, represented as a 1-by-6 numeric vector, in the range [-pi,pi].

Data Types: numeric

Maximum duration by which the simulated cobot must try to complete the motion to reach the desired joint configuration, specified in seconds. In some cases, even with this argument specified, there is no guarantee that the cobot will reach the desired joint configuration. In such cases, use sendJointConfigurationAndWait instead.


This input argument is valid when the function is used with urROSNode and urROS2Node objects. When the function is used with urRTDEClient object, EndTime is an optional name-value argument.

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointWaypoints, Acceleration=1.2, Velocity=1.0, BlendRadius=0.05)


These name-value arguments are valid only if this function is used along with the urRTDEClient object, for connecting through RTDE interface.

Maximum duration by which the simulated cobot must try to complete the motion to reach the desired joint configuration, specified in seconds. In some cases, even with this argument specified, there is no guarantee that the cobot will reach the desired joint configuration. In such cases, use sendJointConfigurationAndWait instead.

Data Types: double

Acceleration to control trapezoidal speed profile of trajectory.

Example: sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointWaypoints, 'Acceleration', 1.2)


If you specify 'EndTime' name-value argument, setting the 'Acceleration' value has no impact. This is because the time setting has priority over velocity and acceleration settings.

Velocity to control trapezoidal speed profile of trajectory.

Example: sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointWaypoints, 'Velocity', 1.0);


If you specify 'EndTime' name-value argument, setting the 'Velocity' value has no impact. This is because the time setting has priority over velocity and acceleration settings.

Blend radius for waypoints to pass through, when the cobot does not need to stop.

Example: sendJointConfiguration(ur,jointWaypoints, 'BlendRadius', 0.05);

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2022a