extracts and opens a kit zip file called projectFolder
= openSignalIntegrityKit(kitName
into the current folder
using the default project name. If the kit zip file
does not exist, the function downloads it from the server. The function does not override
existing folders.
Once you download, extract, and open a kit, it becomes a project in the relevant app and you can reopen it from the app. If the downloaded kit already exists, you can reopen the existing kit, download the kit again to create a new project with numbered name, or cancel download.
extracts a kit zip file called projectFolder
= openSignalIntegrityKit(kitName
into the specified project folder
kitList = openSignalIntegrityKit
returns a table listing the
available kits. The table contains the name and a short description of the kit.
Input Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2021b