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Replace Old Blocks

The primary goal in migration is to replace legacy SimEvents® behavior with new SimEvents behavior.

This table lists:

  • New SimEvents blocks to replace legacy SimEvents blocks

  • Actions to take when there is no equivalent new SimEvents block to replace the legacy block. Some of these actions are also part of the migration workflow.

Old BlockAction for New SimEvents Model

Attribute Function

Wait until Replace Attribute Function Blocks with Event Actions.

Attribute Scope

Wait until If Using Get Attribute Blocks to Observe Output.

Cancel Timeout

Consider not yet migrating your model.


Simulink® Inport or Outport block.

Discrete Event Signal to Workspace

Wait until Observe Output.

Enabled Gate

Replace with Entity Gate.

Entity Combiner

Replace with Composite Entity Creator.

Entity Departure Counter

Wait until Write Event Actions for Legacy Models.

Entity Departure Function-Call Generator

Wait until Write Event Actions for Legacy Models.

Entity Sink

Replace with Entity Terminator.

Entity Splitter

Replace with Composite Entity Splitter.

Entity Departure Function-Call Generator

Wait until Write Event Actions for Legacy Models.

Event Filter

Delete (block no longer needed).

Event to Timed Function-Call

Delete (block no longer needed).

Event to Timed Signal

Delete (block no longer needed).

Event-Based Entity Generator

Replace with Entity Generator.

Event-Based Random Number

Wait until Replace Random Number Distributions in Event Actions.

Event-Based Sequence

Wait until Write Event Actions for Legacy Models.

FIFO Queue

Replace with Entity Queue.

Get Attribute

Wait until Connect Signal Ports.

Infinite Server

Replace with Entity Server.

Initial Value

Delete (block no longer needed).

Input Switch

Replace with Entity Input Switch.

Instantaneous Entity Counting Scope

Wait until If Using Get Attribute Blocks to Observe Output.

Instantaneous Event Counting Scope

Delete (block no longer needed).

LIFO Queue

Replace with Entity Queue.


Replace with Entity Server.

Output Switch

Replace with Entity Output Switch.

Path Combiner

Input Switch (with All selected).

Priority Queue

Replace with Entity Queue.

Read Timer

For an example, see Measure Point-to-Point Delays.

Release Gate

Replace with Entity Gate.


Replace with Entity Replicator.

Resource Acquire

Replace with Resource Acquire.

Resource Pool

Replace with Resource Pool.

Resource Release

Replace with Resource Releaser.

Schedule Timeout

Consider not yet migrating your model.

Set Attribute

Wait until Replace Set Attribute Blocks with Event Actions.

Signal Latch

Delete (block no longer needed).

Signal Scope

Replace with Simulink Scope.

Signal-Based Function-Call Event Generator

Wait until If Connected to Reactive Ports.

Signal-Based Function-Call Generator

Wait until If Connected to Reactive Ports.

Single Server

Replace with Entity Server.

Start Timer

For an example, see Measure Point-to-Point Delays.

Time-Based Entity Generator

Replace with Entity Generator.

Time-Based function-Call Generator

Replace with Entity Generator.

Timed to Event Function-Call

Delete (block no longer needed).

Timed to Event Signal

Delete (block no longer needed).

X-Y Attribute Scope

See If Connected to Computation Blocks.

X-Y Signal Scope

Simulink XY Graph.

When done, return to Migration Workflow.

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