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First-Order Hold (Obsolete)

Implement first-order sample-and-hold

  • First-Order Hold block



First-Order Hold is not recommended for continuous to discrete signal conversion. Use Zero-Order Hold instead.

The First-Order Hold block implements a first-order sample-and-hold that operates at the specified sampling interval.

This figure compares the output from a Sine Wave block and a First-Order Hold block.


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This example shows how to perform a first-order sample-and-hold of a sine wave signal using the First-Order Hold block.



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Input signal, specified as a scalar, vector, or matrix.

Data Types: double


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First-order sample and hold applied to the input signal.

Data Types: double


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The time interval between samples. See Specify Sample Time for more information.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: Ts
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector
Default: '1'

Version History

Introduced before R2006a