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Set logging mode for top model or top-level Model block


    setLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdl,logMode) sets the LoggingMode property logMode of the model logging override object mdlInfo for a top model or a Model block in the top model, mdl.



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    You can use the setLogAsSpecifiedInModel function to override signal logging settings specified in a model. For example, you can log only the top model or only a referenced model in a model hierarchy. The model sldemo_mdlref_bus contains a Model block named CounterA that references the model sldemo_mdlref_counter_bus. In total, four signals are marked for logging. The top model has three signals marked for logging: COUNTERBUS, INCREMENTBUS, and OUTERDATA. The referenced model has one signal marked for logging: INNERDATA.

    mdl = 'sldemo_mdlref_bus';
    mdlInner = 'sldemo_mdlref_bus/CounterA';

    Create an empty Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo object so that no signals are logged when the logging mode is set to the override settings specified in the Signals property.

    mdlInfo = Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo(mdl);

    You can use the setLogAsSpecifiedInModel function to log only signals in the top model using the logging settings specified in that model. Set the outer model to log signals as specified in the model. Then, set the inner model to use override settings. Since the Signals property vector is empty, no signals are logged when override settings are applied.

    mdlInfo = setLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdl,true);
    mdlInfo = setLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdlInner,false);

    The getLogAsSpecifiedInModel function returns the logging mode.

    outerLogMode = getLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdl)
    outerLogMode = logical
    innerLogMode = getLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdlInner)
    innerLogMode = logical

    Apply the model override object settings. Then, simulate the model. The software logs only those signals marked for logging in the top model.

    topOut = 
    Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset 'topOut' with 3 elements
                             Name          BlockPath                             
                             ____________  _____________________________________ 
        1  [1x1 Signal]      COUNTERBUS    sldemo_mdlref_bus/Concatenate        
        2  [1x1 Signal]      OUTERDATA     sldemo_mdlref_bus/CounterA           
        3  [1x1 Signal]      INCREMENTBUS  sldemo_mdlref_bus/IncrementBusCreator
      - Use braces { } to access, modify, or add elements using index.

    You can also use the setLogAsSpecifiedInModel function to log only signals in the referenced model using the logging settings specified in that model. Set the outer model to use override settings. Then, set the inner model to log signals as specified in the model.

    mdlInfo = setLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdl,false);
    mdlInfo = setLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdlInner,true);

    To verify that the logging mode for the top model and inner model have changed, you can use the getLogAsSpecifiedInModel function.

    outerLogMode = getLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdl)
    outerLogMode = logical
    innerLogMode = getLogAsSpecifiedInModel(mdlInfo,mdlInner)
    innerLogMode = logical

    Apply the model override object settings. Then, simulate the model. This time, the software logs only the INNERDATA signal.

    topOut = 
    Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset 'topOut' with 1 element
                             Name       BlockPath                                
                             _________  ________________________________________ 
        1  [1x1 Signal]      INNERDATA  ...erA|sldemo_mdlref_counter_bus/COUNTER
      - Use braces { } to access, modify, or add elements using index.

    Input Arguments

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    Model logging override object, specified as a Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo object.

    Target model, specified as a character vector. You can define the target model using one of these options:

    • Name of the top model

    • Block path of a Model block in the top model

    Logging mode, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

    • true — The model specified by mdl is logged as specified in the model.

    • false — The model specified by mdl is logged using the override settings specified in the Signals property of the Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLogginIfo object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2012b