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padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels Class

Namespace: padv.builtin.query
Superclasses: padv.Query

Query for finding referenced models


This class requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.

The padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels class provides a query that can return the referenced models in your project. A referenced model is a model that another model references. You can automatically include or exclude certain models by using the optional name-value arguments.

You can use this query in your process model to find referenced models for your tasks to iterate over. To find the top models in your project, you can use padv.builtin.query.FindTopModels instead.

The padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels class is a handle class.



query = padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels() creates a query for finding the referenced models in your project.


query = padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels(Name=Value) sets certain properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example to find referenced models that include Control in the full file path, you can create and run the query padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels(IncludePath="Control").

You can use this syntax to set property values for Name, IncludeLabel, ExcludeLabel, IncludePath, and ExcludePath.

The padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels class also has other properties, but you cannot set those properties during query creation.



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Find referenced models with specific project label, specified as a cell array where the first entry is the project label category and the second entry is the project label name.

Example: {"Classification","Design"}

Data Types: cell

Exclude referenced models with specific project label, specified as a cell array where the first entry is the project label category and the second entry is the project label name.

Example: {"Classification","Design"}

Data Types: cell

Find referenced models where the path contains specific text, specified as a string.

Example: "Control"

Data Types: char | string

Exclude referenced models where the path contains specific text, specified as a string or a character vector.

Example: "Control"

Data Types: string

Query title, specified as a string or a character vector.

Example: "Find my referenced models"

Data Types: string

Default artifact type returned by the query, specified as one or more of the values in this table. To specify multiple values, use an array.

CategoryArtifact TypeDescription


"m_class"MATLAB class
"m_file"MATLAB file
"m_func"MATLAB function
"m_method"MATLAB class method
"m_property"MATLAB class property

Model Advisor

"ma_config_file"Model Advisor configuration file
"ma_justification_file"Model Advisor justification file


"coder_code_files"Code files
"other_file"Other file

Process Advisor


Related artifacts that current artifact depends on


Process Advisor output file


"project"Current project file


"mwreq_item"Requirement (since R2024b)


Requirement (for R2024a and earlier)
"sl_req_file"Requirement file
"sl_req_table"Requirements Table


"sf_chart"Stateflow chart
"sf_graphical_fcn"Stateflow graphical function
"sf_group"Stateflow group
"sf_state"Stateflow state
"sf_state_transition_chart"Stateflow state transition chart
"sf_truth_table"Stateflow truth table


"sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
"sl_data_dictionary_file"Data dictionary file
"sl_embedded_matlab_fcn"MATLAB function
"sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
"sl_library_file"Library file
"sl_model_file"Simulink model file
"sl_protected_model_file"Protected Simulink model file
"sl_subsystem_file"Subsystem file

System Composer™

"zc_block_diagram"System Composer architecture
"zc_component"System Composer architecture component
"zc_file"System Composer architecture file
Tests"harness_info_file"Harness info file
"sl_harness_block_diagram"Harness block diagram
"sl_harness_file"Test harness file
"sl_test_case"Simulink Test™ case
"sl_test_case_result"Simulink Test case result
"sl_test_file"Simulink Test file
"sl_test_iteration"Simulink Test iteration
"sl_test_iteration_result"Simulink Test iteration result
"sl_test_report_file"Simulink Test result report
"sl_test_result_file"Simulink Test result file
"sl_test_resultset"Simulink Test result set
"sl_test_seq"Test Sequence
"sl_test_suite"Simulink Test suite
"sl_test_suite_result"Simulink Test suite result

Example: "sl_model_file"

Example: ["sl_model_file" "zc_file"]

Initial query that runs before iteration query, specified as either a padv.Query object or the Name of a padv.Query object. When you specify an iteration query for a task, the parent query is the initial query that the build system runs before running the specified iteration query.

For information on how to improve Process Advisor load times by sharing query instances across your process model, see Best Practices for Process Model Authoring.

Example: sharedQuery

Example: "FindMyInitialArtifacts"

Unique identifier for query, specified as a string.

Example: "FindMyRefModels"

Data Types: string

Show file extensions in the Alias property of returned artifacts, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). The Alias property controls the display name for the artifact in the Tasks column in Process Advisor.

By default, queries strip file extensions from the Alias property of each task iteration artifact. To show file extensions for all artifacts in the Tasks column, select the project setting Show file extensions. To keep file extensions in the results for a specific query, specify the query property ShowFileExtension as true.

Example: true

Data Types: logical

Setting for automatically sorting artifacts by address, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When a query returns artifacts, the artifacts should be in a consistent order. By default, the build system sorts artifacts by the artifact address.

Alternatively, you can sort artifacts in a different order by overriding the internal sortArtifacts method in a subclass that defines a custom sort behavior. For an example, see Sort Artifacts in Specific Order.

The build system automatically calls the sortArtifacts method when using the process model. The sortArtifacts method expects two input arguments: a padv.Query object and a list of padv.Artifact objects returned by the run method. The sortArtifacts method should return a list of sorted padv.Artifact objects.

Example: SortArtifacts = false

Data Types: logical

Handle to the function that a function-based query runs, specified as a function_handle.

If you define your query functionality inside a function and you or the build system call run on the query, the query runs the function specified by the function_handle.

The built-in queries are defined inside classes and do not use the FunctionHandle.

Example: FunctionHandle = @FunctionForQuery

Data Types: function_handle


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You can use the FindRefModels query in your process model to find artifacts for your tasks to iterate over (IterationQuery).

Open a project. For this example, open the Process Advisor example project.


Suppose that you have a custom task, MyCustomTask, that you add to your process model. To have the task run one time for each referenced model in the project, you can specify the built-in query FindRefModels as the iteration query for the task. Edit the process model to include this code:

    taskObj = addTask(pm, "MyCustomTask",...
        IterationQuery = padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels());

In Process Advisor, view the updated Tasks by clicking Refresh Tasks and switching to the Project view. For the task MyCustomTask, there is one task iteration for each referenced model.

If you wanted to filter out models that have Control in the full file path, you can modify the query properties to exclude those models. For example:

    taskObj = addTask(pm, "MyCustomTask",...
        IterationQuery = padv.builtin.query.FindRefModels(...
        ExcludePath = "Control"));
If you refresh Process Advisor, the Tasks column only shows the AHRS_Voter model because it does not have Control in its full file path.

Capabilities and Limitations

This table identifies functionality that is supported by the query.


Input query for task


Iteration query for task

Yes. See IterationQuery.