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AXI4 Random Access Memory

Model random access through external memory

Since R2022b

  • AXI4 Random Access block

SoC Blockset / Memory


The AXI4 Random Access Memory block models a connection between two hardware algorithms through external memory, using the MathWorks® simplified AXI4 manager protocol. Both the writer and the reader are managers, sending read and write requests to memory through the block. The external memory is unmanaged (no logical buffers, no circular buffer). To ensure the integrity of the data, the reader and writer coordinate timing on accesses.

This block is equivalent to a Memory Channel block with the Channel type parameter set to AXI4 Random Access connected to a Memory Controller block.

Since the memory controller is implicit to the design - you can instantiate several memory blocks that connect to the same memory unit via a memory controller. Valid blocks are:

The maximum number of manager interfaces in a model is 16.

Memory Channel block connected to a Memory Controller block, replaced by an AXI4 Random Access Memory block

For more information, see Simplified AXI4 Master Interface.




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This signal contains the data to the memory.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point

This port accepts a control bus from a data consumer block, signaling that the consumer block is ready to accept read data. This input is a read-request from the reader. To create the control bust, use the SoC Bus Creator block.

Data Types: ReadControlM2SBusObj

This port accepts a control bus from a data producer block, signaling that the producer block is ready to send data. This input is a write-request from the writer. To create the control bus, use the SoC Bus Creator block.

Data Types: WriteControlM2SBusObj


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This signal contains the data read from the memory.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point

This bus represents the protocol bus from the memory channel to the data consumer. To separate the signal from the bus, use the SoC Bus Selector block.

Data Types: ReadControlS2MBusObj

This bus represents the protocol bus from the memory channel to the data producer. To separate the signal from the bus, use the SoC Bus Selector block.

Data Types: WriteControlS2MBusObj


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Memory simulation provides two levels of timing resolution. Select one of these options:

  • Burst accurate — Simulates memory contention and high-resolution timing.

  • Protocol accurate — Simulates AXI4 protocol hand-shaking sequencing and low-resolution timing.


Select between processing subsystem (PS) or programming logic (PL) memory.

  • If the selected board supports only a PL memory, then the default value is PL memory.

  • If the selected board supports only PS memory or only PL memory, then this parameter is read-only.

  • If the selected board is not a supported SoC board, then this parameter is not visible.

Specify the size of the memory buffer in bytes.

Select this parameter to enable presimulation memory initialization.

Specify an initial value for memory simulation, as one of the following:

  • Integer scalar value between 0–255 — The block replicates and loads this value to all memory locations.

  • Vector of uint8 — The block writes each element of the vector into a memory location.

    • If the vector is smaller than the memory region, the vector is padded with zeroes to match the size of the memory region.

    • If the vector is larger than the memory region, the vector is truncated to match the size of the memory region.

Example: 0 — Initializes all memory locations with zeros.

Example: 1:10 — Initializes the first ten memory locations with values 1–10 and the other locations with zeros.


To enable this parameter, select Initialize memory.

Select this parameter to enable postsimulation memory logging.

Name of variable to hold the data of the memory content, specified as a string or character vector.

Example: 'mem_content'


To enable this parameter, select Log memory ending value.

Signal Attributes

Write data signal

wrData can be a multidimensional array. Specify the dimension for the array as a whole number.

Example: 1 — A scalar sample.

Example: [10 1] — A vector of ten scalars.

Example: [1080 1920 3] — A 1080p frame. The frame includes 1080 lines of 1920 pixels per line, and each pixel is represented by three values (for red, green, and blue).

Specify the data type of the wrData port. For help, click the ... button and select Data Type Assistant.

Specify a time interval in seconds to define how often the block updates.

When you do not want the output to have a time offset, specify the Sample time parameter as a scalar. To add a time offset to the output, specify the Sample time parameter as a 1-by-2 vector, where the first element is the sampling period and the second element is the offset. For more information about sample times in Simulink®, see Specify Sample Time.

Select this parameter to enable data packing across the last dimension of the signal. The AXI4-Random Access Memory block packs the data along the last dimension of the signal. For example, if the channel data type is uint32, the dimensions are [1024 4]. If you select this sample packing parameter, then the memory channel generates 1024 read or write transactions of 128 bits. If you clear this sample packing parameter, the memory channel generates 4096 transactions of 32 bits each.

This figure shows how data is aligned for a signal with data type fixdt10[4x3]. When the data is packed, three 10-bit words are concatenated and extended by 2 bits to a 32-bit word. When the data is not packed, each 10-bit word is extended to a 16-bit word.

The top row shows packed data aligned in samples of 10, 10, 10, and 2 to make 32 bits. The bottom row shows unpacked data aligned in samples of 10 and 6 to make 16 bits.

This figure shows how data is aligned for a signal with data type uint8[8x3]. When the data is packed, three 8-bit words are concatenated and extended by 8 bits to a 32-bit word. When the data is not packed, each 8-bit word is represented as an 8-bit sample.

The top row shows packed data aligned in samples of 8, 8, 8, and 8 to make 32 bits. The bottom row shows unpacked data aligned in samples of 8 bits.

The combined width of the flattened signal must not exceed 512 bits.

Read data signal

Select this box to use the same dimensions and data type for the reader and the writer of this channel. Clear the box to customize different dimensions and data type for the reader and writer interfaces.

rdData can be a multidimensional array. Specify the dimension for the array as a whole number.

Example: 1 — A scalar sample.

Example: [10 1] — A vector of ten scalars.

Example: [1080 1920 3] — A 1080p frame. The frame includes 1080 lines of 1920 pixels per line, and each pixel is represented by three values (for red, green, and blue).

Specify the data type of the rdData port. For help, click the ... button and select Data Type Assistant.


To enable this parameter, clear the Output data signal matches input check box.

Specify a time interval in seconds to define how often the block updates.

When you do not want the output to have a time offset, specify the Sample time parameter as a scalar. To add a time offset to the output, specify the Sample time parameter as a 1-by-2 vector, where the first element is the sampling period and the second element is the offset. For more information about sample times in Simulink, see Specify Sample Time.


To enable this parameter, clear the Output data signal matches input check box.

Select this parameter to enable data packing across the last dimension of the signal. The AXI4 Random Access Memory block packs the data along the last dimension of the signal. For example, if the channel data type is uint32, the dimensions are [1024 4]. If you select this sample packing parameter, then the memory channel generates 1024 read or write transactions of 128 bits. If you clear this sample packing parameter, the memory channel generates 4096 transactions of 32 bits each.

This figure shows how data is aligned for a signal with data type fixdt10[4x3]. When the data is packed, three 10-bit words are concatenated and extended by 2 bits to a 32-bit word. When the data is not packed, each 10-bit word is extended to a 16-bit word.

The top row shows packed data aligned in samples of 10, 10, 10, and 2 to make 32 bits. The bottom row shows unpacked data aligned in samples of 10 and 6 to make 16 bits.

This figure shows how data is aligned for a signal with data type uint8[8x3]. When the data is packed, three 8-bit words are concatenated and extended by 8 bits to a 32-bit word. When the data is not packed, each 8-bit word is represented as an 8-bit sample.

The top row shows packed data aligned in samples of 8, 8, 8, and 8 to make 32 bits. The bottom row shows unpacked data aligned in samples of 8 bits.

The combined width of the flattened signal must not exceed 512 bits.


To enable this parameter, clear the Output data signal matches input check box.


Clicking the button opens the Performance Plots for Memory Controller window. You can then select to plot bandwidth, bursts, or latencies. For more information about performance graphs, see Memory Controller Latency Plots.


To enable this parameter, select Burst accurate under Memory simulation.

Extended Capabilities

HDL Code Generation
Generate VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog code for FPGA and ASIC designs using HDL Coder™.

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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