Extract Architecture of Simulink Model Using System Composer
Export an existing Simulink® model to a System Composer™ architecture model. The algorithmic sections of the original model are removed and structural information is preserved during this process. Requirements links, if present, are also preserved.
Convert Simulink Model to System Composer Architecture
System Composer converts structural constructs in a Simulink model to equivalent architecture model constructs:
Subsystems to components
Variant subsystems to variant components
Bus objects to interfaces
Referenced models to reference components
Open Model
Open the Simulink model of F-14 Flight Control.
Export Model
Extract an architecture model from the original model.
systemcomposer.extractArchitectureFromSimulink('f14','F14ArchModel'); Simulink.BlockDiagram.arrangeSystem('F14ArchModel'); systemcomposer.openModel('F14ArchModel');
See Also