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Simulate Vehicle Dynamics in ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground 3D Scene

You can simulate a vehicle ascending a hill using the ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground Hill Tracks 3D scene.

To start, build your virtual vehicle using the Virtual Vehicle Composer with these settings:

  • Powertrain architectureConventional Vehicle

  • Vehicle DynamicsCombined Longitudinal and Lateral Dynamics

  • ScenarioBraking

  • 3D Scene Selection3D Scene

After you build your virtual vehicle model, set the scene and vehicle starting location.

Set Scene and Vehicle Starting Location

Specify the maneuver scene and vehicle starting location. In this example, specify the ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground scene with the vehicle at the recommended starting location for the 25% grade hill. Also specify the scene view.

  1. Open the Driver Commands block and set Vehicle command mode to Longitudinal Driver.

  2. In the Visualization > 3D Engine subsystem, open the Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block.

    Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block on model canvas.

    For this example, set these Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block parameters:

    • Scene name to ZalaZONE Hill Tracks


      You must download the ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground Hill Tracks scene from the Add-On Explorer. For more information, see Setup.

    • Scene view to SimulinkVehicle1

    Click Apply and save the model.

  3. Open the Model Explorer.

  4. In the Model Hierarchy pane, navigate to ConfiguredVirtualVehicleModel > External Data > VirtualVehicleTemplate.

  5. In the list of Referenced Dictionaries, select PassVeh. Click Open.

    Virtual vehicle template passveh data dictionary

  6. In the Model Hierarchy pane, select ConfiguredVirtualVehicleModel > PassVeh > Design Data.

  7. Set the data dictionary variable value to the initial vehicle position values recommended for the scene. For this example, use these recommended values for the ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground Hill Tracks scene.

    Data Dictionary VariableDescriptionRecommended Value

    Recommended starting location - X



    Recommended starting location - Y



    Recommended starting location - Z



    Recommended starting location - Roll



    Recommended starting location - Pitch



    Recommended starting location - Yaw


  8. In the PassVeh data dictionary, confirm the variable values match the recommended starting values for the scene.

    Virtual vehicle template passveh data dictionary

  9. In the Model Explorer, save the PassVeh changes.

    Model Explorer window displaying the PassVeh data dictionary under the Model Hierarchy panel with the right-click menu open and the Save Changes option highlighted.

  10. In the list of Referenced Dictionaries, select Scenario. Click Open.

  11. Set the data dictionary variable, ScnBrkXbrake to 80.

  12. In the Model Explorer, save the Scenario changes.

Run Simulation

On the ConfiguredVirtualVehicleModel model toolstrip, click Run. As the simulation runs, view the results in the Simulation 3D Viewer. For this example, view the vehicle ascending the hill and braking at the top.

A GIF displaying a vehicle within the Simulation 3D Viewer ascending a hill and braking at the top.

See Also

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