Does the Symbolic Toolbox support symbolic matrix operations?

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to define a variable and have the Symbolic Toolbox understand that it is a matrix and not a scalar.


MathWorks Support Team
To work with matrices in the Symbolic Toolbox, a variable must have each of its elements explicitly defined to be recognized as a matrix. Otherwise, variables are treated as scalars.
For example, this code snippet will define two symbolic matrices:
M = sym(zeros(2,2));
M1 = sym(zeros(2,2));
for row = 1:2;
for col=1:2;
M(row,col) = sym(['a' num2str(row) num2str(col)]);
M1(row,col) = sym(['b' num2str(row) num2str(col)]);
These two matrices can now be multiplied together:
ans =
[ a11*b11+a12*b21, a11*b12+a12*b22]
[ a21*b11+a22*b21, a21*b12+a22*b22]
ans =
[ a11*b11+a21*b12, b11*a12+b12*a22]
[ b21*a11+b22*a21, a12*b21+a22*b22]
If your matrix elements are defined by an equation, use MESHGRID to help in defining that matrix. For example, the following code will create a symbolic matrix whose elements are described by the equation 1/(i+j-t), where "i" is the row index and "j" is the column index:
syms t
n = 3;
[J,I] = meshgrid(1:n);
A = sym(1./(I + J - t));
This produces
A =
[ 1/(2-t), 1/(3-t), 1/(4-t)]
[ 1/(3-t), 1/(4-t), 1/(5-t)]
[ 1/(4-t), 1/(5-t), 1/(6-t)]
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-7-11
The answer is NO, you cannot use sym or syms to define a variable as being a general matrix, you can only define it as being a matrix with a particular size and contents (possibly symbolic.) Operations then proceed on elements using the normal rules -- so for example A * B will only work if size(A,2) == size(B,1) . The results will not be in terms of A and B but will be in terms of the contents of the matrices.
The information that I find suggests that the symbolic engine itself, MuPAD, does not have a defined way of declaring that something is a matrix of unknown size, and does not have a defined way of doing (algebraic) matrix multiplication on two generic matrices -- only of doing multiplications upon the elements.
This is unlike (for example) Maple; Maple does have ways of creating non-commutative operations on generalized matrices.


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