Desinging both IIR and FIR bandpass filter

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Can someone help me out in designing a IIR bandpass filter and FIR bandpass filter with the needed parameters of sampling rate=500Hz and frequencies to be passed are between 0.5 Hz to 2.4Hz.

回答(1 个)

Jan 2014-1-1
编辑:Jan 2014-1-1
What about a sixth order Butterworth for the IIR filter:
Wn = [0.5, 2.4] / 250;
[B, A] = butter(3, Wn)
And as a FIR filter:
[B, A] = fir1(3, Wn)
But there are a lot of other possible choices of parameters. Do you have any further details to consider?
  4 个评论
Jan 2014-1-5
The posted details are not useful to specify filter conditions.
A filter cannot crop "everything" outside the band while keeping "all" frequencies inside the band. The are always effects on the edges of the band. It is impossible to keep all frequencies with 2.39999999999999999Hz and removing all signals with 2.40000000000000001Hz. The filter parameters, e.g. the order of the Butterworth filter define the slope of the damping at the edges.
Gova ReDDy
Gova ReDDy 2014-1-6
Then can I know how to design the filter that can allow minimum frequencies in addition to the required 0.5Hz frequency for the lower limit and other highest frequency in addition to the required 2.4Hz frequency and required filter order as I don't have better knowledge on the filter order.



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