Why do I get an error 'The file name is too long' when creating harness model in Simulink Design Verifier 2.5 (R2013b)?

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I am generating the harness model for a model named 'KnxSimInt_SPM_CL_InvConv.slx' and using sldvblockreplacement.m to replace blocks. During building, I receive an error:
Making simulation target "KnxSimInt_SPM_CL_InvConv_replacement_sfun", ...
Make successful for machine: "KnxSimInt_SPM_CL_InvConv_replacement"
The file name is too long.
0 file(s) copied
It seems that Simulink adds a postfix '_replacement' on my original model name. How can I avoid this error. 


MathWorks Support Team
The maximum length allowed for MATLAB identifiers, which include variable, function and model names, is 63 in R2013b. You can call NAMELENGTHMAX to get the maximum identifier length.
During block replacement, in order to avoid name length error, following workarounds are available:
1. Reduce original model name length less than 63.
2. Rename postfix of output model. Click Simulation -> Model Configuration Parameter -> Design Verifier -> Block Replacements -> File path of the output. The default name is '$ModelName$_replacement'. You can modify it like '$ModelName $_rpc'. 
3. If you are using sldvblockreplacement.m scripts, execute:
opts = sldvoptions; 
opts.BlockReplacement = 'on' 
opts.BlockReplacementModelFileName = '$ModelName$_rpc' 
[status, newmodel] = sldvblockreplacement('KnxSimInt_SPM_CL_InvConv', opts); 

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