Two Signals on one graph? Difference between two signals?

52 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all;
I am working on two EEG signals (channel 5 & channel 13): f_c5(j,:) =abs(fft(t5(j,:),L)); f_c13(j,:) =abs(fft(t13(j,:),L));
And I am trying to find an equation that allow me to draw both signal on the same graph.
Also I would like to draw a graph presenting the difference between both of them.
Does anybody have any idea about it?
Many Thanks, Marwan

回答(3 个)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2011-7-21
Here are two ways.
x = 1:10;
y1 = 2*x;
y2 = 3.5*x;
% Multiple plot commands, with "hold" on
hold on
% Multiple lines in one plot command

Murthy 2011-9-14
What should we do when y1 and y2 are not defined on common x but different x values. Say x1= 1:10:100; and x2 = 0.1:0.05:300
How can I plot the difference of y1 and y2?
  2 个评论
Jan 2011-9-14
Simply fill the shorter of y1 or y2 with NaNs, such that both vectors have the same size again.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-9-14
Jan, if the x coordinates are not aligned on the same interval, subtraction is not going to be meaningful.
Murthy, you will need to interpolate (such as by using interp1()) to a common interval over the shared range and do the subtraction on the interpolated data. In the particular example you give, the interpolation could be done by subsampling of x2, x2(1*20:10*20:100*20) but it would be easy to construct examples where interp1() was needed.


Meth Hathemi
Meth Hathemi 2017-5-24
hello Sir i have a simulate problem could you find a solution and send me the code of arduino board and matlab? PLEASE


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