Reverse 2D-lookup Table

78 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am having a lot of difficulty implementing this typ of controller in simulink.
To put it simply have a 2d-Lookup table a basically want to reverse engineer it. The 2d-lookup table takes in two input A and B and interpolates the corresponding output C in a large 79x101 matrix. I wish to define the output variable C for a fixed input variable A and find the corresponding variable B.
A--->| |
|2d-Looukup |--->C
C--->| Reverse |
| lookup |--->B
What I have been attempting is to focus on first is the input A. So lets say for example that I have the following matrix.
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (B)
17.9|67 89 95 108
(A) 18.0|74 92 110 123
18.1|80 97 115 127
18.2|84 106 119 135
I have an input of 18.046 for the input A. Now matlab will interpolate between 18.0
and 18.1 to give me the following output.
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (B)
(A)8.046|76 94 112 125
So with the matrix output as shown below I define my desired output variable, e.g. C = 105. I then pass this variable C into a lookup table and matlab will interpolate the corresponding input variable B.
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
(C) 105--->|76 94 111 125| ---> 0.57 (B)
Could anyone help me in acheieving this problem as I have been stuck on it for quite some time now. Much appreciated
  5 个评论
marouan akhabbil
marouan akhabbil 2022-3-16
i had the same issue i wanted to inverse a 2D lookup table, i tried the formula in the previous comments but it gives NAN values so i creted my own formula, it's so simple based on one interpolation :
here is my script
nbrC1 = 3 ; %nombre d'elelements desiré dans le vecteur C1
A=[1 2 ];
B=[1 2 ];
C=[2 3 ; 3 4 ];
%objectif passer de : entrée sont A et B à entrées A et C
%calcul de la matrice B1 et des deux lignes A1 et C1
%A1=A inchangé
%etape 1 : les elements de la ligne C1
precision=(maxC-minC)/(nbrC1-1) ;
C1=minC:precision:maxC ;
nA= size(A) ;
nA= nA(2) ;
nC1= size(C1) ;
nC1= nC1(2) ;
% etape 2 les valeurs de B1 ( matrice )
for i= 1:nA
for j = 1:nC1
B1(i,:)=interp1( tmpC,B,C1, 'spline', 'extrap');
% the result
%A1 = A
Michael Goebel
Michael Goebel 2022-9-2
This script works well, but not for me: A has a size of 8, B has a size of 32.
I set nbrC1 = 8
But it doesnt woork for me: C1 has weird values
How can i fix this?



Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011-8-7
For a given value of A1 and C1, you should be able to find the corresponding value B1. Do a two-loop iteration on different values of A and C, you should be able to reverse engineer the lookup table.
A=[17.9 18.0 18.1 18.2]';
B=[0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7];
C=[67 89 95 108
74 92 110 123
80 97 115 127
84 106 119 135];
  21 个评论
Srinivasan 2023-9-18
编辑:Srinivasan 2023-9-18
@Michael Goebel Thank you so much. Good find. Helped me a lot...
Michael Goebel
Michael Goebel 2023-10-4
My pleasure! I'm happy this helped


更多回答(1 个)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011-8-8
To use non codegen supported functions, you need to declare eml.extrinsic('function_name'), but that is not what I am suggesting.
I recommend you creating a 2D lookup table data using the code above in MATLAB, making A and C as inputs, choosing 10 points for A and 9 points for C for example. You just need to do this once and then you can use a lookup table block in your Simulink model.
  7 个评论
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011-12-8
That is the code in the accepted answer. I've updated the answer to reflect a correction from the comments (due to the mix of row and column).
If that is not your use case, you may want to ask a separate question.
Guohong 2011-12-8
I think I got your idea. Just use lookup table dynamic to build another lookup table of Z and B, right?


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