Change MATLAB .mlx Live Script background and font colors

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can I customise the background and font colors for viewing .mlx files within the MATLAB IDE?
I'm wanting to work from a series of .mlx files and have customised the color settings for the rest of the IDE frames, e.g. command window.
These settings do not translate to viewing the .mlx file.


Jacky Tsai
Jacky Tsai 2022-4-12
As of R2022a, you can now configure live editor's background and foreground colors.
See more info:
  3 个评论
Brook Dawit
Brook Dawit 2022-11-4
编辑:Brook Dawit 2022-11-4
The R2022a release notes just talk about dark theme, nothing specifically about the font size. Is the font size - specifically for MLX files editable?


更多回答(1 个)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
You can make some good changes via preferences, e.g.:
>> preferences
MATLAB -> Editor/Debugger -->Display ...
MATLAB -> Fonts --> Custom ...


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