Protect a Simulink model but keep the possibility to modify it

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am new on Simulink and want to protect a model in order to add a password for Read/Write action. In this way, I can send to my client the model but without the password it won't be able to modify it.
The way to protect a model like this include a kind of compilation which permits only the read action. Maybe I am wrong?
Thank you in advance if you can advice me.
Best regards.


Jonas 2021-8-27
  8 个评论
Mathieu Gauquelin
Mathieu Gauquelin 2021-8-27
Ok you save my day. The load function of matlab doesn't need the coder.extrinsic function so the load function is compatible for the model protection (whereas all function needed coder.extrinsic are not, such as xlsread or readtable). Thank you very much.
Mathieu Gauquelin
Mathieu Gauquelin 2021-8-30
The load function, even if doesn't requrie the coder.extrinsic code line, is not supported also ... I tried with readtable but same thing. Do you know what matlab function can be used to read a table/csv/mat file and is compatible with the simulink coder ? Best regards.


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