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Write a complete MATLAB program to input the first (X) number of series, and then: 1. Add the next 70th numbers; 2. Calculate the average value

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I don't understand the question and even internet doesn't help me either.
I want to solve the question
  6 个评论
Rik 2021-8-31
If you don't understand the question itself, ask your teacher for clarification. That is the advice Steven already gave you, and I can only agree.
Jan 2021-8-31
Even the 1st sentence is mysterious: "Write a complete MATLAB program to input the first (X) number of series". What are "incomplete" programs? Does "the first (X) number" mean a specific number of elements of a specefic series? How could a program determine the following 70 (!!!) elements? There is no unique way to expand a given list of numbers. So appending 19 is a good choice. The average number of what?
This question is not meanigful. The internet cannot help to solve an unclear question, because this would require a portion of magic.

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