Access and change variable in Model Workspace within the Simulink simulation

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can I change variables in the Simulink Model Workspace during simulation? So for example, I have a signal that is given from a subblock to the output. I want to store this signal continuously in a variable (a 1x1 double for example, no timeseries or so). I want to use the results as variable input e.g. for the frequency of a sine block (therefore the method with goto does not work here).

回答(1 个)

Jonas 2021-9-23
You cannot change objects in the Model Workspace during simulation. Or it's not intended for this at least.
Use Data Store Memory block to define a variable, and then Data Store Write at the subblock output and Data Store Read at the input of the sine block.
Instead of using a Data Store Memory block to define the data store object, you can also create a Simulink.Signal object inside your Model Workspace or Data Dictionary, it serves the same purpose. In the Data Store Write and Read blocks you will find back the Simulink.Signal object in the drop-down list.
  2 个评论
Luca FS
Luca FS 2021-9-23
编辑:Luca FS 2021-9-23
The Sine-Block I use doesn't have an input. I need to use the variable for the frequency. This isn't an input port...see picture (variable is f_el).
The sine block is just an example...I need it for other blocks as well



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