AMD ryzen 7 5700u or intel i7 1165?

70 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have to buy a laptop for using matlab and simulink. I have to choose between two PCs that are completely identical in terms of ram and ssd capacity but differ only in the processor. One has the AMD ryzen 7 5700u and the second one has an intel i7 1165. I don't know which one I should buy.

回答(1 个)

Jonas 2021-10-3
Since Simulink is a single threaded process, it benefits from faster cores, not from more of them. The Intel is a 4-core CPU, the AMD is an 8-core CPU, while the Intel's individual cores are faster. So the Intel should run Simulink faster.
Some functions are multithreaded, like fft and sort, they will benefit from having the AMD.
You can also benefit from multicore if you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox. You can run some type of for-loops on multiple cores. For Simulink, you can only benefit from this toolbox when you want to run separate simulations at the same time in parallel.
For most standard applications I would think Intel. On you should be able to compare CPU's but it didn't find back either of those CPUs in the database to truely compare singlecore performance.


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