image processing related.. please help me to solve the following.. i was able to read and display multiple images stored in the file.. Now i want to apply radon transom. (0-31) degree for image1...(32-72) for second image and so on...

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This is the code me working with..
start_path = fullfile('C:\Users\Srinivas\Documents\MATLAB', '\images\');
topLevelFolder = uigetdir(start_path); if topLevelFolder == 0 return; end
allSubFolders = genpath(topLevelFolder); % Parse into a cell array. remain = allSubFolders; listOfFolderNames = {}; while true [singleSubFolder, remain] = strtok(remain, ';'); if isempty(singleSubFolder) break; end listOfFolderNames = [listOfFolderNames singleSubFolder]; end numberOfFolders = length(listOfFolderNames)
for k = 1 : numberOfFolders
thisFolder = listOfFolderNames{k}; fprintf('Processing folder %s\n', thisFolder);
filePattern = sprintf('%s/*.png', thisFolder); baseFileNames = dir(filePattern); filePattern = sprintf('%s/*.tif', thisFolder); baseFileNames = [baseFileNames; dir(filePattern)];
filePattern = sprintf('%s/*.jpg', thisFolder); baseFileNames = [baseFileNames; dir(filePattern)]; numberOfImageFiles = length(baseFileNames); if numberOfImageFiles >= 1 for f = 1 : numberOfImageFiles fullFileName = fullfile(thisFolder, baseFileNames(f).name); fprintf(' Processing image file %s\n', fullFileName); theImage = imread(fullFileName); imshow(theImage); axis on; promptMessage = sprintf('Do you want to Continue processing,\nor Cancel to abort processing?'); titleBarCaption = 'Continue?'; button = questdlg(promptMessage, titleBarCaption, 'Continue', 'Cancel', 'Continue'); if strcmpi(button, 'Cancel') return; end end Ia=360/numberOfImageFiles; x=0; y=Ia-1;
fprintf(' Folder %s has no image files in it.\n', thisFolder);

回答(1 个)

Akshata 2014-9-16
I feel u came to know the problem me facing ..I want to apply radon an an incremental and constrained angle.

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