code of Best-worst Method?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ali Naeemah
Ali Naeemah 2021-10-17
回答: R 2023-9-30
Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
I need help to import data from excel to MATLAB to run the code for the Best-Worst method attached below. Actually, I have a problem running this code. I do not how to import data from excel to this code.
is there a specific procedure to follow it.
clc;clear;close all;
delete Data.mat
DATA = xlsread("Data.xlsx");
NumOfExperts = size(DATA , 1) / 2;
NumOfCriteria = size(DATA , 2);
BestData = DATA( 1:NumOfExperts , : );
WorstData = DATA( NumOfExperts + 1: end , :);
WorstData = WorstData';
ConsistencyIndex = [0 , .44 , 1 , 1.63 , 2.3 ,3 , 3.73 , 4.47 , 5.23];
DATA = struct;
for i = 1:NumOfExperts
IndexOfBest = find(BestData(i , :) == 0);
IndexOfWorst = find(WorstData(: , i) == 0);
BestData(i , IndexOfBest) = 1;
WorstData(IndexOfWorst , i) = 1;
DATA(i).Best = BestData(i , :);
DATA(i).Worst = WorstData(: , i);
DATA(i).BestIndex = IndexOfBest;
DATA(i).WorstIndex = IndexOfWorst;
clear BestData .. WorstData .. IndexOfBest .. IndexOfWorst;
MeanWeight = zeros(1 , NumOfCriteria);
for i = 1:NumOfExperts
Data = DATA(i);
save Data
EqualCoefftMat = ones(1 , NumOfCriteria);
InitialPoints = rand(1 , NumOfCriteria);
LowerBound = zeros(1 , NumOfCriteria);
UpperBound = ones(1 , NumOfCriteria);
options = optimoptions(@fmincon , 'Algorithm' , 'interior-point' , 'MaxFunctionEvaluations' , 50000 , 'MaxIterations' , 5000 );
[DATA(i).Weights , DATA(i).Ksi] = fmincon(@Epsilon , InitialPoints , [] , [] , EqualCoefftMat , 1 , LowerBound , UpperBound , [], options);
DATA(i).ConsistencyRatio = DATA(i).Ksi/ConsistencyIndex(max(max(DATA(i).Best) , max(DATA(i).Worst)));
MeanWeight = MeanWeight + DATA(i).Weights;
MeanWeight = MeanWeight/NumOfExperts;
title(['Mean Of Weights is: ', num2str(mean(MeanWeight))]);
[Result.Weights , Result.IndexOfWeight] = sort(MeanWeight , 'descend');
function Out = Epsilon(x)
load Data
for i = 1:NumOfCriteria
f(i) = abs(x(Data.BestIndex)/x(i) - Data.Best(i));
g(i) = abs(x(i)/x(Data.WorstIndex) - Data.Worst(i));
Out = (sum(f) + sum(g) - g(Data.BestIndex))*2/NumOfCriteria;
  2 个评论
Jan 2021-10-17
Okay. What is your question?
dpb 2021-10-17
DATA = xlsread("Data.xlsx");
NumOfExperts = size(DATA , 1) / 2;
NumOfCriteria = size(DATA , 2);
BestData = DATA( 1:NumOfExperts , : );
WorstData = DATA( NumOfExperts + 1: end , :);
The code has in it reading data from a presumed Excel workbook of a given name and format.
Follow that template.


回答(1 个)

R 2023-9-30
Hi Please can someone tell me how I should enter the data in the data array. In my case I have 9 experts, how should I introduce the information for Running the program?


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