want to get two solutions but error in 1st region of the solution: curve is not smooth

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% This program solves MHD stagnation point flow of nanofluid % f'''+ff''-f'^2 + M*(\lambda-f') + lmbda^2=0 % with boundary conditions %f(x)=0,f'(x)=1, at x=0 %f'(x)=lambda, as "x" tends to "infinity" %*****************Back up function******
function [solu] = Love
global A M S L infinity
% Initial values solu1 = bvpinit(linspace(1e-10,infinity,10),zeros(3,1)); %solu1 = bvpinit(linspace(0,10,5),zeros(7,1)); % solinit=bvpinit(linspace(0,infinity,8),[0 1 1]); % bvp4c takes two functions defined below and give solution in structure % form options = bvpset('RelTol',1e-10,'AbsTol',1e-10); solu = bvp5c(@bvpex1, @bcex1,solu1,options);
x = solu.x;
y = solu.y;
%plot(x,y(2,:),'b') %xlabel('\eta') %ylabel('df/dx')
%hold on;
% Here I defined first order ODEs
function ysolu = bvpex1(x,y) ysolu = [y(2); y(3); - y(1) * y(3) + y(2)*y(2) + M * y(2)-M*A-A*A];
% residual of boundary conditions function res = bcex1(y0, yinf)
res = [y0(1)-S; y0(2)-L; yinf(2)-A]; end end
%**File.2 *******Running Code************ clear all; clc format long close all
global A M S L infinity
infinity = 5; S = 0.5; A = 1; M = 1; % stagnation
L_range = [-3:0.2:1]; N_L = numel(L_range);
y_prime0_n = zeros(N_L, 1); for j = 1:N_L L = L_range(j); [sol] = Love; y_prime0 = sol.y; y_prime0_n(j) = y_prime0(3,1); display(L)
end plot(L_range, y_prime0_n);

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