How to overlay contour plot to the google earth?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi guys, i really need ur helps..thanks from me in advances.. i already downloaded some of the google earth toolboxes..i really do not have any idea how to transfer my contour plot to my desired location in the google earth.. what should i do?..can u guide me how to change those distances, x and y (which is in metre) to desired latitude and longitude?..
below is the contour plot coding..
run('D:\checkout\openearthtools\matlab\oetsettings.m') figure('Name','Magnetic Field contour plot','NumberTitle','off'); subplot(2,1,1); contourf(handles.slps1,handles.dist,handles.slps2); xlabel('Distance (m)'),ylabel('Span (m)'),grid; subplot(2,1,2); contour(handles.slps1,handles.dist,handles.slps2,10,'Showtext','on'); xlabel('Distance (m)'),ylabel('Span (m)'),grid; %figure %fname = 'magneticcontour.kml'; %contour3(handles.slps1,handles.dist,handles.slps2); %KMLcontour3(handles.slps1,handles.dist,handles.slps2,'fileName',fname,'zScaleFun',@(z) (z+.2)*1000); %actxserver ('googleearth.ApplicationGE');
  1 个评论
Shaun 2015-4-23
Syakirin, Were you able to figure out this problem? I'm working on something similar, yet I cannot figure out how to overlay my plot in Google Earth. Thank you, Shaun


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