Every value from ROS Subscriber put to zero

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm having issues with my ROS Subscriber in Simulink. I have a comptuer running a ROS Master wired-connected to a second one running windows and Matlab/Simulink. I want to send a basic ROS Message to simulink via a ROS Topic. I checked with 'rostopic echo <topic_name>' on my linux platform and the right values come up. But when i checked with a value display or a scope in simulink what is the output from my ROS Subsriber bloc, all the values are 0. It seems that the topic is filled with the rights values but my simulink model cannot read it.
But everything works for a ROS Publisher
  1 个评论
Abhijeet Gadkari
Abhijeet Gadkari 2021-12-16
Hello Jason,
This issue seems similar to this MATLAB Answers post.
The “Accepted Answers” suggested in that post might be useful.


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Jagadeesh Konakalla


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