Why when I run this code I got this error messege "Index exceeds array bounds." and this "Matrix dimensions must agree." ?
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Why, when I run this code I got result of " SINR_Dcell " BUT i get the error messege this time "Index exceeds array bounds." and another run I get this error messege "Matrix dimensions must agree." ? please have a look at my code
P_gNB = 10.^((P_gNB-30)/10); % ratio value or in watt
NumDrone= 2; % Number of drones base stations
NumUEs=5; %Number of users
center=[0 0]; % Center of circle for the network layout
tI=1; %[sec] , minimum turning update interval, we will assume
N_therDencity = -80;%[dbm]-101;
N_power = (10.^(N_therDencity./10)./1000).*BW*Nf; %dB thermal noise power for each RB
%N_power = -174 + 10*log10(BW) + Nf; %Compute noise power
P_Drone = 30;% [dbm]
P_Drone = 10.^((P_Drone-30)/10); % in watt other way P_Drone = 10 ^ (P_Drone_dBm / 10);
%P_Drone = db2pow(30);
%Pue= PgNB./NumUEs; % power of each user
h=30; %And UAV-UE and h^2 is the height of UAV-BS.
R=25; % raduis of each UAV-BS cell
h_ue = 1.5;
delta_h = h_uav - h_ue;
T=10; % Simulation Time
time = 0 : tI : T;
tLen = length(time);
SINR_DU = zeros(tLen); % here I want to find sinr during all realization and time lenth
SINR_BU = zeros(tLen);
SINR_BD =zeros(tLen);
for ti=0:z:tLen
PosgNB_x = [0 0, 0 0].';
PosgNB_y = [0 0, 0 0].';
PosgNB = [PosgNB_x,PosgNB_y];%fixed ground node (fixed ground base station)
theta_Drone=2*pi*(rand(NumDrone,1)); % distributed random number of Base stations
g = 0.5 * ro + 0.5 * ro * rand(NumDrone,1); % let the drones deployed away from the center of circle network layout
PosDrone_x=center(1)+g.*cos(theta_Drone); % Initial positions
PosDrone = [PosDrone_x ,PosDrone_y]; % Air nodes (Drone Base stations)
theta1 = rand(NumUEs, 1) * 2*pi; % distributed random number of Users
r1 = ro * sqrt(rand(NumUEs, 1));
PosUE_x = r1 .* cos(theta1(:)) + center(:,1); %[r1 .* cos(theta1(:)) + center(:,1)];
PosUE_y = r1 .* sin(theta1(:)) + center(:,2); %[r1 .* sin(theta1(:)) + center(:,2)];
PosUE = [PosUE_x,PosUE_y]; % fixed ground users (fixed ground nodes it sould be served or associated to the fixed ground node and Air nodes (drones))
PosUAV3D = [PosDrone, h_uav * ones(NumDrone,1)]; % 3D distance between drones and fixed ground users
dist_D_UE = (PosUE(:,1)-PosUAV3D(:,1).').^2 + (PosUE(:,2)-PosUAV3D(:,2).').^2; % drones to UE distances
dist_gNB_UE = (PosUE(:,1)-PosgNB_x.').^2 + (PosUE(:,2)-PosgNB_x.').^2; % distance between fixed ground Base stations and ground users
dist_gNB_D = hypot(PosDrone_x-PosgNB_x(1,:).', PosDrone_y-PosgNB_y(1,:).'); % distance between fixed ground Base station and drones (air nodes)
[mindistD, assigned_BS] = min(dist_D_UE,[],2); % associate the ground users by nearest air nodes (drones)
[mindistgNB, assigned_BS1] = min(dist_gNB_UE,[],2); % associate the ground users by nearest fixed ground base station
[mindistgNBD, assigned_BD] = min(dist_gNB_D, [],1); % % associate the air nodes (drones) by nearest fixed ground base station
inrange = mindistD <= maxrange^2; % range of drone coverage, which is supposed to serve the ground users inside this range
inrangegNB = ~inrange; % range of fixed ground base station it is supposed to serve the fixed ground users which located outside the range of drone
r_B0D0 =assigned_BD; % distance between the serving fixed ground base station and the air nodes (drones)
r_BxU = assigned_BS1(inrange); % distance between interfering fixed ground base station and the users that assumed to be served by drones
r_B0U = assigned_BS1; % distance between serving fixed ground base station and fixed ground user that assumed to be serve by fixed ground base station
r_D0U = assigned_BS; % distance between the serving drone and fixed ground user that assumed to be serve by drones
r_DxU = assigned_BS(inrangegNB); % distance between interfering Drone and user that assumed to be served by drones
Fading_B2U = gamrnd(m, 1 / m, NumgNB, 1); % fading between fixed ground base station ground users
Fading_D2U = gamrnd(m, 1 / m,NumUEs,1); % fading between drone and ground users
Fading_D2U0 = Fading_D2U(assigned_BS); % fading between drone and its ground users
Fading_B2D = gamrnd(m, 1 / m, NumgNB, 1); % fading beteen fixed ground base station and its drones
P_B0_Rx = P_gNB .* Fading_B2U(assigned_BS1) .* r_B0U .^ (-alpha); %Power recieved from serving gNB to its ground users
P_D0_Rx = P_Drone .* Fading_D2U0 .* r_D0U .^ (-alpha); %power recieved from serving Drone to its ground users
P_B0D0_Rx = P_gNB .* Fading_B2D .* r_B0D0 .^ (-alpha); % power recieved from serving gNB to its drones
I_BU = sum(P_gNB .* Fading_B2U .* r_BxU .^(-alpha)) - P_B0_Rx; % interfernce that caused by fixed ground base station
I_DU = sum(P_Drone .* Fading_D2U .* r_DxU .^(-alpha)) - P_D0_Rx; % interfernce that caused by drones
I_U = I_BU + I_DU; % total interference
SINR_BU = P_B0_Rx / (I_DU + P_D0_Rx + N_power); % SINR for users that served by fixed ground Base station
SINR_BD = P_B0D0_Rx / N_power; % In our assumption there is no interfered fixed ground base station due to only one that should serve the drones so this is SNR
SINR_DU = P_D0_Rx ./ (I_U + P_B0_Rx + N_power); % SINR for users that served by drones
Sum_SINR_DULiner = sum(SINR_DU); % I summed it due to apeared as vector (I dont know if its correct or not)
Sum_SINR_DU = 10*log10(Sum_SINR_DULiner); % I converet SINR from linear to dB
SINR_Dcell = zeros(tLen); % SINR_Dcell is the SINR for the whole coverage area of drone
for jj=1:1:assigned_BS
SINR_Dcell = sum(Sum_SINR_DU) % SINR_Dcell(jj,:) = sum(SINR_DU); can be used
newSINR_Dcell = SINR_Dcell(ti+1);
6 个评论
I'm lost, because I do not know a method to produce two different errors. Matlab stops after the first error, so how can a seconds one appear?!
回答(1 个)
Benjamin Thompson
When multiplying by a scalar, do not use .*. Making this chang allows the first thee iterations of your loop to pass.
I_DU = sum(P_Drone * Fading_D2U .* r_DxU .^(-alpha)) - P_D0_Rx; % interfernce that caused by drones
But on the fourth iteration r_DxU has only four elements compared to Fading_D2U having five so the multiplication fails. Try stepping through your code using breakpoints in the editor to see what is going on.
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