Use index from max() to extract matching values from another array

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Suppose I have 2 n x m arrays A and B and I get the maximum element of each column of A with
[~,I] = max(A)
Now I want to use I to extract the elements of B that correspond to the max element of each column of A.
For example (the example itself is of no particular interest)
A = rand(5)
B = A.^2
[~,I] = max(A)
Now I would like to have a one line command that extracts from B a row vector consisting of, for each j, the I'th element of column j.


David Young
David Young 2014-12-16
Bmax = B(sub2ind(size(B), I, 1:size(B,2)))
  4 个评论
Leo Simon
Leo Simon 2018-7-29
I'm afraid I can't understand what you are trying to do. Could you augment the code snippet above to make it an MWE. This would require a sample specification of mydata. I also can't see the relationship between your text and the sample code.
Ram 2018-7-29
编辑:Ram 2018-7-29
thanks for responding, attached file as max with its indexand mydata has to find those index values and place it to a new cell. for example, i have index value 690, i am finding in mydata which has (8.1510,110.9065) but i need only first col value only for every index.


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