unit vector rotation matrix

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Eivind 2011-9-26
Hello! I am new to matlab, and so I have to ask stupid questions.... I am looking for the correct syntax for setting up a geometric vector rotation matrix that I stupidly thought would look something like this: f(x)= [cosX sinx 0; -sinX cosX 0; 0 0 1], where this is the matrix for the Z - axis, and X is the angle. I guess I have to define variables first , but here I am clueless when it comes to matlab. Can someone help me out here ? I am having a hard time with this as I am used to all the C++ syntax I usually deal with. I appreciate any help on the matter :-)


UJJWAL 2011-9-26
Hi, No question is a stupid question. If you are looking to rotate an object then in that case you can do so more easily with the rotate function. Look for it in the MATLAB help. It is much more easier. In case you dont figure it out or you want something else then reply back. I will get back to you.
Happy to Help

更多回答(1 个)

Jan 2011-9-26
Using SIN and COS is equivalent to C++:
x = 0.1; % Angle in radians
R = [cos(x), sin(x), 0; -sin(x), cos(x), 0; 0, 0, 1];
v = rand(3, 1); % Test vector
vR = R * v; % Matrix multiplication
An common method to solve such questions is asking Google for "Matlab rotation matrix".
  1 个评论
Eivind 2011-9-27
Thank you very much for your answer. I was going to "accept" both answers I got here but then realized I could only accept 1. Sorry for that.



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