How to append a string to a filename when saving a file?

60 次查看(过去 30 天)
How do I append a string to the filename and save the file in the case of saveas and save? The following isn't quite right, so I'd appreciate some insight.
[~,f,ext] = fileparts(files(id).name); % extract file name without original extension
% do some calculations and generate a plot based on the original file
str_saveas = sprintf(str_saveas,f);
And similarly, for the save function.
  1 个评论
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2022-3-30
@O.G. what is
? If you just want to append two string variables together, you could use the square brackets as
str_saveas = [str_saveas f];
sprintf would be used more like
str_saveas = sprintf('%s%s', str_saveas, f);



Les Beckham
Les Beckham 2022-3-30
This should get you closer to what you want to do
[~,f,ext] = fileparts(files(id).name); % extract file name without original extension
% do some calculations and generate a plot based on the original file
str_append = 'text_that_you_want_to_add';
str_saveas = sprintf('%s_%s', f, str_append); % add the appended string to the original filename
saveas(fig, str_saveas, 'png') % note no quotes on the filename since it is a variable

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