how to convert complex numbers to binary bits

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
u = -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -32.0000000000000 - 34.0000000000000i -4.26082674233213 - 46.9096123019090i -4.26082674233213 - 46.9096123019090i -4.26082674233213 - 46.9096123019090i -4.26082674233213 - 46.9096123019090i -4.26082674233213 - 46.9096123019090i
size of u 81921 X 1
i need u of same size as binary bits
  4 个评论
ashok 2015-1-6
this is an output of a randomly generated dvb t signal after taking fft i have to modulate vector of size 81921 x 1 but it is complex for better results i need it as an binary bits
dpb 2015-1-6
No idea what you're asking for...give an example of what you think an input and output should be.



Stephen23 2015-1-6
编辑:Stephen23 2015-1-6
This is a topic that has been discussed before on MATLAB Answers, and even some other forums:
Although it is important to note that the problem is ill-defined, because "There is no one right answer on how to represent a fractional number in binary" (quoted from Peter at the last link).

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