I have trouble changing matlab icon into an .exe! Help!! Please.

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Hello everyone; I used the tool "deploytool- R2013a" to compile my GUIs, to which I added the following line for change the icon or logo of matlab.
%% For example in all the GUIs
function TWF_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
handles.output = hObject;
guidata(hObject, handles); end
After compiling the code, I run the .exe and the logo or icon of each GUI and my ".exe" is changed by the Java icon, I added all my images in the compilation folder, but it apparently not read the file path. Even, I read the image of icon with "imread" for change the cover of my executable and the code load file success, but the ".exe" doesn't with my icons or logos.
%% For example in the initial code.
function TunWaterFlow [cdata, map] = imread('TWF.jpg');
dlgTitle = 'TunWaterFlow V 1.0 - Jan 2015 - LCSC';
tagl = 'TunWaterFlow V 1.0 - Jan 2015 - LCSC';
dlg = dialog( 'Name', dlgTitle, ...
'Color', 'White', ...
'WindowStyle', 'Normal', ...
'Visible', 'off', ...
'Tag', tagl,...
'Colormap', map);
pos = get(dlg, 'position');
imsize = size(cdata);
pos(3) = imsize(2);
pos(4) = imsize(1);
dlgWidth = pos(3)-pos(3).*.5;
imH = pos(4)-pos(4)*.5;
set(dlg, 'Position', pos-pos*.10);
ax = axes( 'Parent', dlg, ...
'Visible', 'off', ...
'units', 'normal', ...
'position', [0 0 1 1], ...
'xlim', [0 imsize(2)], ...
'ydir', 'reverse', ...
'ylim', [0 imsize(1)]);
image('Parent', ax, 'CData', cdata);
set(dlg, 'Visible', 'on');
If I paste the image, along with the .exe and I run the program again, this ."exe" load successfully. Let me know how I can make my executable keep this hidden image and then, it call all together with the compiled files? Thank You.

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