radio buttons not updating

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
William 2011-9-29
I had to edit a gui Written a while ago by adding a box with two radio buttons on it. I cannot however get the m-file to update and show the functions that allow me to use the buttons.
The two buttons show up on the "Tag Order Editor" I haven't had this problem before. Any suggestions on how to update the existing code?
Thank you as always

回答(2 个)

Jan 2011-9-29
I guess, that the radio buttons use pixel values as positions, but normalized units. Then the buttons are there, but far beyond the limits of the window.

Bastion 2011-10-1
Hey William, I also encountered this problem while building my GUI.
I don't know the reason why but if you make a radiobutton outside of the panel (your box) then the M-file will update the new radiobutton as a callback in your M-file.
Then simply move the radiobutton into that panel.


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