Why is my script not enterering the elseif argument

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tasks = {'hop_inv','hop_uninv'};
tasks_name = tasks; % for plot title
SIDE = {'ipsilateral'};
JOINTS ={'ankle','knee','hip'};
% groups to plot for comparison (küerzel, timepoint)
COMPARISON = [{'SBA','baseline'}; ...
COLOR = {'b','r'};
COLOR2 = {'c','m'};
test = [COMPARISON,tasks'];
for subj = 1:size(sub.([COMPARISON{1,1},'_',COMPARISON{1,2}]),2)
for grp = 1:size(COMPARISON,1)
group = [COMPARISON{grp,1},'_',COMPARISON{grp,2}];
for sde=1:length(SIDE) % Seite
for tsk= 1:length(tasks)
for jo = 1:length(JOINTS)
movement_tmp = fieldnames(sub.(group)(subj).(tasks{tsk}).(SIDE{sde}).(JOINTS{jo}));
movement = [movement_tmp(1),movement_tmp(4),movement_tmp(7)];
if strcmp(JOINTS{jo},'ankle')
movement = {'dflex','add','eversion'};
movement = {'flex','abd','extrot'};
for moNr = 1:length(movement)
ka=k(jo,moNr); % which plot (= which axis)
% set sign
if (strcmp(JOINTS{jo},'ankle')&&strcmp(movement{moNr},'eversion'))...
mean = sign*(sub.(group)(subj).(tasks{tsk}).(SIDE{sde})...
.(JOINTS{jo}).([movement{moNr} '_mean']));
SD = sub.(group)(subj).(tasks{tsk}).(SIDE{sde}).(JOINTS{jo})...
.([movement{moNr} '_std']);
if grp == 1 %baseline group
p(tsk) = plot(mean,COLOR{tsk},'LineWidth',1.0);
plot(mean + SD,COLOR{tsk},'LineWidth',0.1,'LineStyle','--')
plot(mean - SD,COLOR{tsk},'LineWidth',0.1,'LineStyle','--')
elseif grp == 2
q(tsk) = plot(mean,COLOR2{tsk},'LineWidth',1.0);
plot(mean + SD,COLOR2{tsk},'LineWidth',0.1,'LineStyle','--')
plot(mean - SD,COLOR2{tsk},'LineWidth',0.1,'LineStyle','--')
clearvars SD to_plot
end % group
% legende
legend(ha(9),[p,q],[strjoin([test(1,2),'_',test(1,3)]), strjoin([test(1,2),'_',test(2,3)]), strjoin([test(2,2),'_',test(1,3)]), strjoin([test(2,2),'_',test(2,3)])],...
it is a pre-existing script, which I tried to change so that the output plot consists 4 means mit std. I want to have them 4 different colors. The original only consisted of the p(tsk) = plot(..) without any if/else argument. Now I added an variable COLOR2 with two extra colors and this if/else but it never enters the elseif and misses the variable q in the legend function. I know it's a pretty long code, but maybe someone can help.
Cheers Marcel

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-5-11
end % group
No, that is incorrect. You have for moNr, within for jo, within for tsk, so that "end" is matching tsk. You do the legend() at that point assuming that p and q have both been assigned to. But q is assigned to when grp changes. Your call to legend is within for sde which is within for grp so it will be a while before you see a change in grp.


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