Memory consumption while using autocorr2 package

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I am trying to use the following package:
However, whenever I try to run it, the memory consumption gradual increases until the device freezes, I tried alternating the parameters, same results.
Any idea what is causing this huge memory consumption?, knowing that I run heavier packages with no issues.
Thank you and stay well.
  4 个评论
Jan 2022-12-6
I have no problem with running the function to get an auto-correlation for images with 1000x1000 pixels.
Again: What do you use as inputs?
This code does not look "heavy":
x = [];
for k = 1:1e6
x(k) = k;
Due to the missing pre-allocation Matlab has to allocate more than 4 TB of RAM to run this code.
Hussein Kokash
Hussein Kokash 2022-12-6
I see what you mean now.
I will edit it so it allocates less than that.
Thank you so much!


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