I think the error is in the filename please solve it quickly

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% File: line_coding.m % Description: Illustration of line coding schemes % EE 160. Fall 2006. San Jose State University. % Modified Spring 2014 and 2015 for EE161. Modified in Spring 2023 which linecodingdemo -all clear A = 1; % Pulse amplitude T = 1; % Bit duration N = 10; % Number of bits seed = input('Enter your student ID: 015084355'); rand('state',seed) bit = round(rand(1,N)); % Bit sequence polar = [ -A +A ]; % Polar mapping M = 32; % Oversampling ratio (must be even) T_bits = T*length(bit); % Duration of bit stream t = 1/M:1/M:T_bits ; % Time scale bit_M= []; for i=1:length(bit) bit_M = [bit_M bit(i)*ones(1,M)]; % Oversampled bit stream end p_NRZ(1:M)=1; % NRZ pulse p_RZ(1:M/2)=1; p_RZ(M/2:M)=0; % RZ pulse p_M(1:M/2)=-1; p_M(M/2:M)=1; % Manchester pulse % (a) Unipolar NRZ for i=1:length(bit) for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M s_UNRZ(j) = bit(i)*A*p_NRZ(j-(i-1)*M); end end % (b) Unipolar RZ for i=1:length(bit) for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M s_URZ(j) = bit(i)*A*p_RZ(j-(i-1)*M); end end % (c) Polar NRZ for i=1:length(bit) for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M s_PNRZ(j) = polar(bit(i)+1)*p_NRZ(j-(i-1)*M); end end % (d) Polar RZ for i=1:length(bit) for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M s_PRZ(j) = polar(bit(i)+1)*p_RZ(j-(i-1)*M); end end % (e) AMI NRZ st = [-A*ones(1,M)]; % Inital amplitude -A for i=1:length(bit) if bit(i), st = -st; end for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M AMI_NRZ(j) = bit(i)*st(j-(i-1)*M)*p_NRZ(j-(i-1)*M); end end % (f) AMI RZ st = [-A*ones(1,M)]; % Inital amplitude -A for i=1:length(bit) if bit(i), st = -st; end for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M AMI_RZ(j) = bit(i)*st(j-(i-1)*M)*p_RZ(j-(i-1)*M); end end % (g) Manchester for i=1:length(bit) for j=(i-1)*M+1:i*M s_M(j) = polar(bit(i)+1)*p_M(j-(i-1)*M); end end % Plot all signals subplot(7,1,1) plot(t,bit_M,'k'); ylabel ('Bits'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -0.1 1.1 ]) set(gca,'YTick',[0 1]), grid on title('Examples of line coding schemes - SJSU - EE161') subplot(7,1,2) plot(t,s_UNRZ,'k'); ylabel ('U-NRZ'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -0.1*A 1.1*A ]), grid on subplot(7,1,3) plot(t,s_URZ,'k'); ylabel ('U-RZ'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -0.1*A 1.1*A ]), grid on subplot(7,1,4) plot(t,AMI_RZ,'k'); ylabel ('AMI-RZ'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -1.1*A 1.1*A ]), grid on subplot(7,1,5) plot(t,s_PNRZ,'k'); ylabel ('P-NRZ'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -1.1*A 1.1*A ]), grid on subplot(7,1,6) plot(t,s_PRZ,'k'); ylabel ('P-RZ'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -1.1*A 1.1*A ]), grid on subplot(7,1,7) plot(t,s_M,'k'); ylabel ('Manchester'); axis ([ 0 T_bits -1.1*A 1.1*A ]), grid on linecodingdemo Execution of script linecodingdemo as a function is not supported: /MATLAB Drive/EE161/linecodingdemo.m
Error in linecoding (line 9)
Enter your student ID: 015084355
  4 个评论
Luca Ferro
Luca Ferro 2023-2-9
编辑:Luca Ferro 2023-2-9
i'm quite confused by the naming. Is the script named 'line_coding.m' as stated in the description, 'linecodingdemo.m' as stated in the which statement or 'linecoding.m' as you are trying to call from command window?
This is relevant :
  • because i think you are calling the wrong script
  • because i think you have multples on the same path and that creates conflict


回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-2-9
when the code emits the message about entering the student ID, the person running the code needs to type in a numeric student number. The person running the code must not type in the script name again at that point: the script is already running.
  1 个评论
VBBV 2023-2-9
You are right. The error is perhaps due to the below line
When Matlab tries to run above line , it takes the user input and assigns to seed which in turn goes as input to rand function. That's when Matlab gets confused and throws error.



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