differentiate between month in dataset.

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Hi, I have multiple data output from simulink, which i have saved in matlab as .mat, but this data is for a whole year in seconds but i want to differentiate between months. so my data set is just a datapoint each second for a whole, year and i want to be able to divide it into january, Feburary, ect... so that i can make a barchart that compare each month. I tried using findgoups, but then i need to create a collumn in the data set where the frist 31*24*3600 seconds is number 1 for january, and then the next 29*24*3600 seconds is number 2 for february. Do anybody know a smart way to do this?

回答(2 个)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023-3-29
maybe this ?
% simplified code for one year scalar input
years = 2023; %
mm = (1:12); % monthes
days_per_month = datenum(years, mm(:)+1, 1) - datenum(years, mm(:), 1); % adding 1 to the month
seconds_per_month = 24*60*60*days_per_month;
% dummy data example
% one full year of data should have generated 31536000 samples , that can
% be now splited in 12 separate chuncks
samples = sum(seconds_per_month);
data_one_year = (1:samples) + rand(1,samples);
% do some math like averaging each month data
for ci = 1:12
duration = seconds_per_month(ci);
if ci == 1
start = 1;
start = stop +1;
stop = start + duration -1;
data_extract(ci) = mean(data_one_year(start:stop));
name = monthName(mm);
function name = monthName(num)
name = month(datetime(1,num,1), 'name');

Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-3-29
Perhaps something like this —
secondsperyear = 60*60*24*365;
DT = datetime(2023,1,1,0,0,0) + seconds(0:secondsperyear-1).';
Ends = [DT(1); DT(end)]
Ends = 2×1 datetime array
01-Jan-2023 00:00:00 31-Dec-2023 23:59:59
Data = randn(secondsperyear,1);
T1 = table(DT, Data);
TT1 = table2timetable(T1)
TT1 = 31536000×1 timetable
DT Data ____________________ ________ 01-Jan-2023 00:00:00 -0.10644 01-Jan-2023 00:00:01 0.25004 01-Jan-2023 00:00:02 -0.30974 01-Jan-2023 00:00:03 -0.38354 01-Jan-2023 00:00:04 0.94189 01-Jan-2023 00:00:05 0.76489 01-Jan-2023 00:00:06 0.98377 01-Jan-2023 00:00:07 0.51009 01-Jan-2023 00:00:08 -2.4735 01-Jan-2023 00:00:09 -1.0738 01-Jan-2023 00:00:10 -0.1024 01-Jan-2023 00:00:11 -0.64083 01-Jan-2023 00:00:12 -1.2975 01-Jan-2023 00:00:13 2.0611 01-Jan-2023 00:00:14 -0.4892 01-Jan-2023 00:00:15 0.26055
HCounts = retime(TT1, 'monthly', 'count')
HCounts = 12×1 timetable
DT Data ___________ __________ 01-Jan-2023 2.6784e+06 01-Feb-2023 2.4192e+06 01-Mar-2023 2.6784e+06 01-Apr-2023 2.592e+06 01-May-2023 2.6784e+06 01-Jun-2023 2.592e+06 01-Jul-2023 2.6784e+06 01-Aug-2023 2.6784e+06 01-Sep-2023 2.592e+06 01-Oct-2023 2.6784e+06 01-Nov-2023 2.592e+06 01-Dec-2023 2.6784e+06
The retime function has several aggregation and calculation options. Counting the number of occurrences in each month is only one of them.


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