Read data from a complex file

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Hi Help,
I'm trying to read the data from this kind of file. Here the headers repeat randomly at various rows and first column data is date of the year. I tried using load and readmatrix functions, but no luck. Any thoughts?
Data file has four columns. First column data is day (mm-dd-yy). Header labels from each row repeats across the file but not periodically.
header header2 header3 header4
4-25-16 5 6 7
4-25-16 24 2 25
header header2 header3 header4
4-25-16 52 62 72
4-25-17 2 24 2
4-25-18 52 62 72
4-25-19 25 26 28
header header2 header3 header4
4-25-19 52 62 72
header header2 header3 header4
4-25-19 52 62 72
4-25-20 2 24 2
4-25-21 52 62 72
4-25-22 25 26 28
4-25-23 5 6 7
4-25-24 24 2 25
header header2 header3 header4
4-25-24 5 6 7
4-25-25 24 2 25


Voss 2023-9-26
编辑:Voss 2023-9-26
Something like the following may work. You may need to change the header_str and text_scan_format to match your actual file's contents.
% path to the file:
file_name = 'file.txt';
% lines in the file starting with header_str will be skipped:
header_str = 'header';
% format of data lines:
text_scan_format = '%d-%d-%d %d %d %d';
% show file's contents, for reference:
header header2 header3 header4 4-25-16 5 6 7 4-25-16 24 2 25 header header2 header3 header4 4-25-16 52 62 72 4-25-17 2 24 2 4-25-18 52 62 72 4-25-19 25 26 28 header header2 header3 header4 4-25-19 52 62 72 header header2 header3 header4 4-25-19 52 62 72 4-25-20 2 24 2 4-25-21 52 62 72 4-25-22 25 26 28 4-25-23 5 6 7 4-25-24 24 2 25 header header2 header3 header4 4-25-24 5 6 7 4-25-25 24 2 25
% initialize an empty datetime array dt and an empty 3-column matrix vals:
dt = NaT(0,1);
vals = zeros(0,3);
% open the file for reading:
fid = fopen(file_name,'r');
% while not at the end of the file:
while ~feof(fid)
% get the next line:
str = fgetl(fid);
% if it starts with header_str, skip it:
if startsWith(str,header_str)
% read the date and other values from the line:
temp = textscan(str,text_scan_format);
% put the date in a new elements in the dt array:
dt(end+1,:) = datetime(temp{[3 1 2]}); % year, month, day
% put the other values in a new row in the vals matrix:
vals(end+1,:) = [temp{4:6}];
% close the file:
% put dt and vals together in a table:
T = addvars(array2table(vals),dt,'Before','vals1')
T = 15×4 table
dt vals1 vals2 vals3 ___________ _____ _____ _____ 25-Apr-0016 5 6 7 25-Apr-0016 24 2 25 25-Apr-0016 52 62 72 25-Apr-0017 2 24 2 25-Apr-0018 52 62 72 25-Apr-0019 25 26 28 25-Apr-0019 52 62 72 25-Apr-0019 52 62 72 25-Apr-0020 2 24 2 25-Apr-0021 52 62 72 25-Apr-0022 25 26 28 25-Apr-0023 5 6 7 25-Apr-0024 24 2 25 25-Apr-0024 5 6 7 25-Apr-0025 24 2 25
  2 个评论
Research 2023-9-28
Thank you. It is an elegant solution.
Voss 2023-9-28
You're welcome! And thank you!


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