I used 'Altera Quartus II' option because it is the only Intel option available as SynthesisTool for dlhdl.ProcessorConfig its according to documentation https://es.mathworks.com/help/deep-learning-hdl/ref/dlhdl.processorconfig-class.html
If I use 'Intel Quartus Pro' option as ToolName in hdlsetuptoolpath in Matlab R2023a I get another error related with quartus version. In some point, quartus Pro executable was changed from qpro, that is expected by hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName', 'Intel Quartus Pro') function. That's because I used 'Altera Quartus II' option.
Error using setupToolPath
Input tool path '/opt/FPGA/Intel/intelFPGA_pro/22.4/quartus/bin/quartus'
does not point to a valid Intel Quartus Pro executable 'qpro'.
Please specify the full path to the synthesis tool executable.
For example:
It seems the is some information missing in my previous message. I configure some ProcessorConfig properties before processor building as follows:
hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName', ToolName, 'ToolPath', ToolPath);
hTarget = dlhdl.Target(Vendor,'Interface', Interface, ...
'IPAddress', ip,'Username', User, ...
'Password', Pass);
% Create a dnnfpga.ProcessorConfig object.
hPC = dlhdl.ProcessorConfig;
% Set the properties of the dnnfpga.ProcessorConfig object.
hPC.SynthesisTool = 'Altera QUARTUS II';
hPC.SynthesisToolChipFamily = 'Arria 10';
hPC.TargetFrequency = 200;
hPC.TargetPlatform = 'Intel Arria 10 SoC development kit';
In Matlab R2023b I get the following error message and even if I use 'Intel Quartus Pro' option as ToolName in hdlsetuptoolpath I get the same error:
Error using downstream.tool.messageToolNotAvailable
Selected synthesis tool "Altera QUARTUS II" is not available on the system path. Available tools are:
You can use the hdlsetuptoolpath function to add the appropriate synthesis tool path to your system path for the current MATLAB session. For more
information, see "help hdlsetuptoolpath".
After adding the synthesis tool path to your system path using "hdlsetuptoolpath" or an external command, click <a
href="matlab:downstream.AvailableToolList.refreshToolPath('Altera QUARTUS II',
false);hdlturnkey.resetHDLWATask('com.mathworks.HDL.SetTargetDevice');">refresh</a> to import the new tool list.
Error in downstream.tool.validateToolOnPath
Error in dnnfpga.build.buildProcessor
Error in dlhdl.buildProcessor (line 33)
Is dlhdl.buildProcessor compatible with Quartus Pro?
I have finally instaled Quartus Prime Standard 21.1 and configured it as compilation tool. The compilation process ended successfully
As for the last question, ' How I can upload or put the custom processor into the workflow? ' I found the answer. I should be done by setting the 'Bitstream' option to 'dlprocessor.mat' (for Intel boards) in the Workflow method and then compile the Workflow object:
hW = dlhdl.Workflow('Network',nn, ...
'Bitstream','dlprocessor.mat', ...