script no longer works after update to 2023b (related to ode45)

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I am solving the blasius boundary layer equations for concentration and momentum boundary layer with this script. it seems like something changed in the 'ode45' function from the update to 2023a to 2023b, because MATLAB seems to want want to use 'odeset' instead of 'odeget' but the error is occuring in the 'ode45' function. Are there any suggestions on how to fix this? Contents of this help request 1) function file for the ODE to be solved 2) loop to solve multiple initial conditions 3) Error message from MATLAB.
1) function file:
%% Defining the function for the blasius solution
% define initial conditions
function df = Blas_Sc(eta,f,Sc)
global Sc;
df = [f(2); f(3); -0.5*f(1)*f(3);f(5);-0.5*Sc*f(1)*f(5)];
2) loop to calculate compute boundary layers:
%% Blasius Boundary Layer Solution and CBL Solution for Flat Plate
%% Patrick D. Sinko Uppsala University, February 2, 2023
%purpose To solve the system of ODE for the hydrodynamic and concentration
%equations for flow over a flat plate
%Bisection Method Solver code modified from: Mohamad Aslani (2023).
% Compressible Similarity Solution for Flat Plate BL
% (
% -similarity-solution-for-flat-plate-bl), MATLAB Central File Exchange.
% Retrieved February 5, 2023.
clear all
close all
%% Global initialization
nu = 0.000000696;% [m^2/s] Water kinematic Viscosity at 37C
U_inf = 0.5; %m/s
global Sc;
Sc = 1; % starting value
% Initializing loop variables
% vector defining the span and interval of Schimdt number to be investigated.
SC = (Sc:step:end_step);
ff = zeros(length(SC),1);
gg = zeros(length(SC),1);
eta_f = zeros(length(SC),1);
eta_g = zeros(length(SC),1);
count_j =0; %storage variable counter
while(Sc <= end_step)
%% Initial guesses for f''(0): need not to be changed for most cases...
format long;
af = -0.0;
bf = 2.0;
ag = -20.0;
bg = 20.0;
BC_f = 1; % goal for the f' boundary condition i.e. (u/Uinf) = 1
BC_g = 1; % goal for the g boundary condition i.e. (c/cinf) = 1
%% Solver specific parameters
eta_max_ode = 10; % length of eta distance
% Maximum iterations
max_iter = 1e2;
% Iteration counter
count = 0; %convergence iteration while counter
% Tolerance for boundary condition
epsilon = 1e-6;
% Value greater than epsilon to start it off
error = 1e15;
ERR = zeros(max_iter,1); %initializing here clears the previous loop's data
ERR_f = zeros(max_iter,1);%initializing here clears the previous loop's data
ERR_g = zeros(max_iter,1);%initializing here clears the previous loop's data
%% Solve the ODE using ode45
while(abs(error) > epsilon && count < max_iter)
sigmaf = (af+bf)/2; % initial guess
sigmag = (ag+bg)/2;
% sigmaf = 0.332;
f0 = [0, 0, sigmaf,0,sigmag];
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-9,'AbsTol',1e-9);
% the Hydrodynamic and concentration set of 1st order ODE
[eta,f] = ode45(@Blas_Sc,[0, eta_max_ode],f0,Sc,options);
% Perform bisection method
errorf = f(end,2) - BC_f; % error in the velocity profile
errorg = f(end,4) - BC_g; % error in the concentration profile
% error = abs(errorf) + abs(errorg) + abs(errorh)
error = abs(errorf) + abs(errorg);
% error = abs(errorg);
if(errorf > 0)
bf = sigmaf;
af = sigmaf;
if(errorg > 0)
bg = sigmag;
ag = sigmag;
ERR(count+1) = error; %tracking the convergence of the total error
ERR_f(count+1) = errorf; %tracking the convergence of the hydrodynamic error
ERR_g(count+1) = errorg; %tracking the convergence of the concentration error
% Increment the counter
count = count + 1;
count=0; %reset the counter for next loop (next input of Sc)
count_j = count_j + 1; %pass the first calculation into the first row of the storage variables
3) The error message:
Warning: The value of local variables may have been changed to match the globals. Future versions of MATLAB will require
that you declare a variable to be global before you use that variable.
> In Blas_Sc (line 4)
In odearguments (line 92)
In ode45 (line 104)
In ABLCBL_3 (line 75)
Error using odeget
First argument must be an options structure created with ODESET.
Error in odearguments (line 124)
rtol = odeget(options,'RelTol',1e-3);
Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in ABLCBL_3 (line 75)
[eta,f] = ode45(@Blas_Sc,[0, eta_max_ode],f0,Sc,options);


Torsten 2023-10-25
编辑:Torsten 2023-10-25
Why do you use ode45 for a boundary value problem ? Use bvp4c instead.
The below code doesn't give errors or warnings - at least as long as it ran under MATLAB online here.
%2) loop to calculate compute boundary layers:
%% Blasius Boundary Layer Solution and CBL Solution for Flat Plate
%% Patrick D. Sinko Uppsala University, February 2, 2023
%purpose To solve the system of ODE for the hydrodynamic and concentration
%equations for flow over a flat plate
%Bisection Method Solver code modified from: Mohamad Aslani (2023).
% Compressible Similarity Solution for Flat Plate BL
% (
% -similarity-solution-for-flat-plate-bl), MATLAB Central File Exchange.
% Retrieved February 5, 2023.
clear all
close all
%% Global initialization
nu = 0.000000696;% [m^2/s] Water kinematic Viscosity at 37C
U_inf = 0.5; %m/s
Sc = 1; % starting value
% Initializing loop variables
% vector defining the span and interval of Schimdt number to be investigated.
SC = (Sc:step:end_step);
ff = zeros(length(SC),1);
gg = zeros(length(SC),1);
eta_f = zeros(length(SC),1);
eta_g = zeros(length(SC),1);
count_j =0; %storage variable counter
while(Sc <= end_step)
%% Initial guesses for f''(0): need not to be changed for most cases...
format long;
af = -0.0;
bf = 2.0;
ag = -20.0;
bg = 20.0;
BC_f = 1; % goal for the f' boundary condition i.e. (u/Uinf) = 1
BC_g = 1; % goal for the g boundary condition i.e. (c/cinf) = 1
%% Solver specific parameters
eta_max_ode = 10; % length of eta distance
% Maximum iterations
max_iter = 1e2;
% Iteration counter
count = 0; %convergence iteration while counter
% Tolerance for boundary condition
epsilon = 1e-6;
% Value greater than epsilon to start it off
error = 1e15;
ERR = zeros(max_iter,1); %initializing here clears the previous loop's data
ERR_f = zeros(max_iter,1);%initializing here clears the previous loop's data
ERR_g = zeros(max_iter,1);%initializing here clears the previous loop's data
%% Solve the ODE using ode45
while(abs(error) > epsilon && count < max_iter)
sigmaf = (af+bf)/2; % initial guess
sigmag = (ag+bg)/2;
% sigmaf = 0.332;
f0 = [0, 0, sigmaf,0,sigmag];
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-9,'AbsTol',1e-9);
% the Hydrodynamic and concentration set of 1st order ODE
[eta,f] = ode45(@(t,y)Blas_Sc(t,y,Sc),[0, eta_max_ode],f0,options);
% Perform bisection method
errorf = f(end,2) - BC_f; % error in the velocity profile
errorg = f(end,4) - BC_g; % error in the concentration profile
% error = abs(errorf) + abs(errorg) + abs(errorh)
error = abs(errorf) + abs(errorg);
% error = abs(errorg);
if(errorf > 0)
bf = sigmaf;
af = sigmaf;
if(errorg > 0)
bg = sigmag;
ag = sigmag;
ERR(count+1) = error; %tracking the convergence of the total error
ERR_f(count+1) = errorf; %tracking the convergence of the hydrodynamic error
ERR_g(count+1) = errorg; %tracking the convergence of the concentration error
% Increment the counter
count = count + 1;
count=0; %reset the counter for next loop (next input of Sc)
count_j = count_j + 1; %pass the first calculation into the first row of the storage variables
%% Defining the function for the blasius solution
% define initial conditions
function df = Blas_Sc(eta,f,Sc)
df = [f(2); f(3); -0.5*f(1)*f(3);f(5);-0.5*Sc*f(1)*f(5)];
  4 个评论
Patrick D Sinko
Patrick D Sinko 2023-10-25
编辑:Patrick D Sinko 2023-10-25
So there is a bit more to the original code (which I have now copied below and higlighted in bold). This is where I update the value of Sc.
%% Blasius Boundary Layer Solution and CBL Solution for Flat Plate
%% Patrick D. Sinko Uppsala University, February 2, 2023
%purpose To solve the system of ODE for the hydrodynamic and concentration
%equations for flow over a flat plate
%Bisection Method Solver code modified from: Mohamad Aslani (2023).
% Compressible Similarity Solution for Flat Plate BL
% (
% -similarity-solution-for-flat-plate-bl), MATLAB Central File Exchange.
% Retrieved February 5, 2023.
clear all
close all
%% Global initialization
nu = 0.000000696;% [m^2/s] Water kinematic Viscosity at 37C
U_inf = 0.5; %m/s
% D = 8*10^-6; %cm^2/s Ibuprofen Diffusivity (use in application later)
% D = D/(10^4); %m^2/s (unit conversion)
global Sc;
Sc = 1; % starting value
% Initializing loop variables
% vector defining the span and interval of Schimdt number to be investigated.
SC = (Sc:step:end_step);
ff = zeros(length(SC),1);
gg = zeros(length(SC),1);
eta_f = zeros(length(SC),1);
eta_g = zeros(length(SC),1);
count_j =0; %storage variable counter
while(Sc <= end_step)
%% Initial guesses for f''(0): need not to be changed for most cases...
format long;
af = -0.0;
bf = 2.0;
ag = -20.0;
bg = 20.0;
BC_f = 1; % goal for the f' boundary condition i.e. (u/Uinf) = 1
BC_g = 1; % goal for the g boundary condition i.e. (c/cinf) = 1
%% Solver specific parameters
eta_max_ode = 10; % length of eta distance
% Maximum iterations
max_iter = 1e2;
% Iteration counter
count = 0; %convergence iteration while counter
% Tolerance for boundary condition
epsilon = 1e-6;
% Value greater than epsilon to start it off
error = 1e15;
ERR = zeros(max_iter,1); %initializing here clears the previous loop's data
ERR_f = zeros(max_iter,1);%initializing here clears the previous loop's data
ERR_g = zeros(max_iter,1);%initializing here clears the previous loop's data
%% Solve the ODE using ode45
while(abs(error) > epsilon && count < max_iter)
sigmaf = (af+bf)/2; % initial guess
sigmag = (ag+bg)/2;
% sigmaf = 0.332;
f0 = [0, 0, sigmaf,0,sigmag];
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-9,'AbsTol',1e-9);
% the Hydrodynamic and concentration set of 1st order ODE
[eta,f] = ode45(@Blas_Sc,[0, eta_max_ode],f0,Sc,options);
% Perform bisection method
errorf = f(end,2) - BC_f; % error in the velocity profile
errorg = f(end,4) - BC_g; % error in the concentration profile
% error = abs(errorf) + abs(errorg) + abs(errorh)
error = abs(errorf) + abs(errorg);
% error = abs(errorg);
if(errorf > 0)
bf = sigmaf;
af = sigmaf;
if(errorg > 0)
bg = sigmag;
ag = sigmag;
ERR(count+1) = error; %tracking the convergence of the total error
ERR_f(count+1) = errorf; %tracking the convergence of the hydrodynamic error
ERR_g(count+1) = errorg; %tracking the convergence of the concentration error
% Increment the counter
count = count + 1;
count=0; %reset the counter for next loop (next input of Sc)
count_j = count_j + 1; %pass the first calculation into the first row of the storage variables
%% determine the value of eta when f' and g at 99% of free stream value
% check for repeated values with in the f'' and g functions
% 1) finds unique values in the concentration (g) solution
[~, uniqueIdx] = unique(f(:,4));
% 2) sets a true of false (1/0) value to the duplicate values
dupeIdx = ismember( f(:,4), f(( setdiff( 1:numel(f(:,4)), uniqueIdx ) ),4 ));
% 3) returns the row/col count of the dupeIdx to determine if there are duplicates
[row_zero col_zero] = size(uniqueIdx(uniqueIdx==1));
if row_zero > 0
% 4) finds the index value of (g) where the duplicates are
dupeLoc = find(dupeIdx);
% 5) Deletes the duplicated index, Logic statement selects the higher value
% index, assuming that it is farther away from the critical point that
% downstream interpolation function will use to calculate the eta at 99%
% value.
del_Idx = dupeLoc;
f(del_Idx,:) = []; %this should delete the duplicated index in all columns as
% you cannot delete just the index in the g column
eta(del_Idx,:)=[]; %modify the eta function to match for length requirements
% do nothing, proceed as normal
%Determine when the non-dimensional velocity is at 99% of free stream value
A_ff=interp1(f(:,2),eta,0.99,'pchip'); % eta = ...
B_ff=interp1(f(:,2),eta,0.99,'spline'); % eta = ...
C_ff= abs(A_ff-B_ff); % checking the interpolation between the cubic method and the spline method.
%Determine when the non-dimensional concentration is at 99% of free stream value
A_g=interp1(f(:,4),eta,0.99,'pchip');% eta = ...
B_g=interp1(f(:,4),eta,0.99,'spline');% eta = ...
C_g= abs(A_g-B_g); % checking the interpolation between the cubic method and the spline method.
%% for loop variables for iterating over Sc 1 to 1000
ff(count_j,1) =sigmaf; %storage variable for the non-dimensional shear stress boundary condition value
gg(count_j,1) =sigmag; %storage variable for the non-dimensional concentration gradient boundary condition value
eta_f(count_j,1)=(A_ff+B_ff)/2; % store the average interpolated eta value at u/Uinf = 0.99
eta_g(count_j,1)=(A_g+B_g)/2; % store the average interpolated eta value at c/Cinf = 0.99
%% convergence check and plot
figure('Name','Convergence Plot')
hold on
hold on
hold on
legend('Total Error','Hydrodynamic Error','Concenctration Error','Location','best')
%% Plot all solutions {f, f', f''} for the hydrodynamics
figure('Name','Non-dimensional solutions')
xlim([0 2])
ylim([0 10])
grid on
%clear the interpolation calculation variables for next loop
clear f eta
Sc = Sc + step; %update the value of Sc and restart the loop
end % end of calculation loop
Patrick D Sinko
Patrick D Sinko 2023-10-25
3) The error message:
Warning: The value of local variables may have been changed to match the globals. Future versions of MATLAB will require
that you declare a variable to be global before you use that variable.
> In Blas_Sc (line 4)
In odearguments (line 92)
In ode45 (line 104)
In ABLCBL_3 (line 75)
Error using odeget
First argument must be an options structure created with ODESET.
Error in odearguments (line 124)
rtol = odeget(options,'RelTol',1e-3);
Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in ABLCBL_3 (line 75)
[eta,f] = ode45(@Blas_Sc,[0, eta_max_ode],f0,Sc,options);


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-10-25
function df = Blas_Sc(eta,f,Sc)
global Sc;
It is an error to have a parameter with the same name as a global variable
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-10-26
global Sc;
Sc = 1; % starting value
That is fine. Sc is not given a value until after the global is executed.
[eta,f] = ode45(@Blas_Sc,[0, eta_max_ode],f0,Sc,options);
That undocumented syntax asks ode45 to treat Sc as the ode options, and to pass the content of options as an extra parameter to some of the calls. You should not use undocumented syntax. You should use
function df = Blas_Sc(eta,f,Sc)
That line tells Blas_Sc to expect an optional third parameter, and to associate that third parameter with a variable named Sc
global Sc;
In current versions, that tells MATLAB to replace Sc (the parameter) with the content of the global variable Sc, unless no global variable Sc had been initialized, in which case a global variable named Sc would be created and would be given the value that had been passed into Sc, unless nothing was pased in the slot for Sc in which case the global variable Sc would be initialized as empty.
That is crazy enough to warrant a warning.
Just don't do it. If you are going to have a global variable, do not pass the same variable as a parameter. If the function does not need to write to the global, then do not use a global variable, just parameterize the function call if needed.
Error using odeget
First argument must be an options structure created with ODESET.
Yup. Remember what I said above that your ode45 call is passing Sc in the slot that ode45 expects options. The internal processing of the options parameter is going to do odeget(OPTIONS_PARAMETER) and is going to find that the value 1 has been passed as the options parameter.
If you are going to use undocumented syntax for functions, then get it right.



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